英国学生科学读本 第115期:捉迷藏(在线收听

   Hide-and-seek 捉迷藏

  Now hide the flowers beneath the snow, 花朵藏在了雪中,
  Where Winter cannot find them; 冬天的寻找,劳而无功;
  Their safety nooks he does not know, 既不知道隐蔽的所在,
  They left no tracks behind them. 也没留下一点行踪
  The little brooks keep very still, 多少条小河一动也不动,
  Safe in their ice-homes lying; 躺在冰屋里,平平安安;
  Let Winter seek them where he will, 就让冬天到处乱找吧!
  They do not fear his spying. 我们可不怕你的刺探。
  Gone are the birds: they’re hiding where The Winter never searches; 小鸟不见了,冬天永不涉足它们躲藏的地方;
  Safe in the balmy southern air, 它们沐浴在南国的芬芳里,
  They sing on sunlit perches, 在晴日的树枝上歌唱。
  Then comes the Spring at last to look For all her playmates hidden, 最后春天终于来了,寻觅着每一位藏身的朋友。
  And one by one—flower, bird, and brook, 花,鸟和小河,也一个一个
  Shall from its place be bidden. 从隐蔽的地方探头。
  Then shall the world be glad and gay, 世界又被欢乐布满,
  The birds begin their chorus, 鸟儿们齐声放开歌喉;
  The brooks sing, too, along their way, 和着拍子的,是小河的流水,
  And flowers spring up before us 初放的花朵美不胜收!