英语PK台 第739期:取个好听得体的英文名(在线收听

 English Names

Dialogue 1
Jingjing: Say, Mark, this is the first time I've seen you bring your computer.
Mark: Yeah, I don't usually schlep it around with me. But today, I have to tally students' grades.
Jingjing: Oh. Do you have the class lists all set?
Mark: Yeah, pretty much. Some of the students use English names. But that's just in class.
Jingjing: I've heard some funny English names. Do you think some of the names people choose are weird?
Mark: To say the least! Often, students choose words, not names.
Jingjing: You mean like Daisy, or Rose?
Mark: Well, those two are commonly used as names. So, I guess they're OK.
Jingjing: Who's to say what is a name and what isn't?
Mark: Hmm, I'd like to keep my mind open to new names, but when I hear "names" like Pervert and Super Eggie, umm...
Jingjing: Someone actually goes by Pervert?
Mark: Maybe not any more. And the other one, Super Eggie, must have been a translation from Jordan.
Jingjing: I guess it could have been, but that's kind of a stretch.
Mark: It was imaginative. Another odd one I heard was just a preposition: Before.
Jingjing: Ha ha. Was that a guy or a gal?
Mark: It was a guy. But to be fair, I knew a guy from Camaroon whose name since birth was Begin.
Jingjing: What a funny world! What if they found girlfriends with the names After and End?
New words: 习语短语
schlep 携带,搬运
carry something, especially something heavy or uncomfortable
tally 计数
add up, calculate (i.e. use an Excel spreadsheet to list grades and add up final scores)
To say the least! 至少可以这么说,退一步讲
(expressed in agreement) What you've said is true, and could be said in a stronger way.
Who's to say... 谁说的
(expressing disagreement) What you've said might not be true. It can't be proven.
goes by ___ 名叫……
is named ___, is called ___ His legal name is Robert, but he goes by Bob. (NOTE: for pronunciation of this verb phrase: GOES by, not to be confused with the phrasal verb for time passing, The days went BY quickly on my vacation.)
kind of a stretch 有点夸张 
(expressing disagreement) That might not be true. It's unlikely. It might not be connected in the way you described.
Dialogue 2
Mark: Jingjing, why don't you use an English name?
Jingjing: I haven't really found one that suits me.
Mark: That makes sense. I haven't used my Spanish name since Spanish class.
Jingjing: What was it?
Mark: Dionisio Suerte. Suerte means "luck", and Dionisio sounds like the name of the Greek god Dionysus.
马克:Dionisio Suerte. Suerte是幸运的意思,Dionisio听着像希腊神(酒神)狄俄尼索斯的名字。
Jingjing: Oh, that's the god of the harvest.
Mark: Right. It's a pity most meanings of English names are unknown.
Jingjing: Yeah, I know family names tend to be meaningful, like Smith, Miller, and Cooper; those names came from the jobs their ancestors did.
Mark: Right. But given names—well, a few of them have obvious meanings, like Crystal and Brandy.
Jingjing: What about some of the more sophisticated names.
Mark: I always liked the name Sarafina.
Jingjing: What does that mean?
Mark: You got me. I just think it sounds elegant.
Jingjing: Sophia is nice too. Doesn't it mean intelligence and sophistication?
Mark: It's associated with that. When choosing a name, watch out for slang meanings, and look up some of the famous people with the name.
New words: 习语短语
family name 姓氏
surname, last name
ancestors 祖先
members of ones family who lived a hundred years ago
given name 名
first name
obvious 明显的
clear, easy to guess
sophisticated 复杂的,精致的,老于世故的
educated, having good taste
elegant 优雅的,高雅的
graceful, luxurious
slang 俚语
very informal words, sometimes loaned from other languages (e.g. "schlep" is Yiddish) As for names, Mark means a person who is easily cheated and would be chosen by con artists, Joe means a typical guy.