刘毅词汇 5000 lesson 18(在线收听



1.Adorn v.装饰;美化 同:decorate

He adorned his story with all sorts of adventures that never happened.

2.Baggage n.行李 同:luggage

I need a man to carry my baggage to the train.

3.Bunch n.串;束 同:cluster

We sent him a bunch of flowers on his birthday.

4.Clap v.鼓掌 同:applaud

The children clapped when he finished his speech on children’s day.

5.Deliberate adj. 1.从容不迫 同:considerate v. 2.考虑同:reflect

A statesman should be deliberate in his political speeches.

We were deliberating whether we should buy a new motorcar.

6.Enclose v. 1.围以篱笆,墙 同:surround 2.附寄

We are going to enclose our back yard to keep dogs out.

I enclosed a check or 10$ with the letter.

7.Frontier n.边界 同:border

There were many guards and soldiers along the frontier.

8.Implement n.工具 同:tool

Plow and threshing machine are farm implements.

9.Leap n.跳跃 同:jump

He went over the fence with a single leap.

10.Luster n.光辉 同:brilliance

This shampoo adds more luster to your hair than any other brand.

11.Perfume n.香味 同:fragrance

We enjoyed the perfume of the flowers in the garden.

12.Swear v.发誓 同:pledge

Will you swear to the truth of your statement?

13.Acquire v.获得 反:lose

You must work hard to acquire a good command of a foreign language.

14.Benevolent adj.慈善的 反:malevolent

The free food was given to a beggar by a benevolent person.

15.Compliment n.称赞 反:reprimand

The famous actress was used to hearing audience’s compliments.

16.Courtesy n.礼貌 反:impoliteness

Giving one’s seat to a lady in a crowded bus is a sign of courtesy.

17.Equivalent adj.相等的 反:different

He changed his pounds for the equivalent amount of dollars.

18.Ingenious adj.敏捷的 反:clumsy

My brother is so ingenious that he will think of a way to do the work more easily.

19.Internal adj.内部的 反:external

An accident often causes internal injuries as well as cuts and wounds.

20.Irresponsible adj.无责任感的 反:reliable

An irresponsible person deserves to be blamed and punished.

21.Miserable adj.可怜的 反:happy

The child is cold, hungry, and tired, so of course he is miserable.

22.Respond v.回应 反:ask

When John insulted Tom, he responded with a kick.

23.Tentative adj.暂时的 反:decisive

We’ve made tentative plans for a holiday but haven’t decided anything certain yet.

24.Appetite n.食欲

The disgusting food made me lose appetite.

25.Assume v. 1.假定 2.担当

They assumed that the war would end in six months, but it proved wrong in a short time.

He assumed the responsibility for planning and preparing the picnic.

26.Conform v.遵从

A citizen is expected to conform to the law of his country.

27.Defer v. 1.延期 2.顺从

The ship deferred its sailing because of bad weather.

Do you always defer to your parent’s wishes?

28.Distract v.转移

What can we do to distract her mind from sorrow?

29.Mutual adj.相互的

A family has a mutual affection when each person likes the others and is liked by them.

30.Pacify v.使镇定

She pacified the crying child by giving him milk.

31.Prominent adj. 1.明显的 2.著名的

She hung the picture in a prominent position in the living room,

Several prominent people were present at the meeting.

32.Receipt n. 1.收据 2.领收

Ask the shop for a receipt when you pay the bill.

Please notify me upon receipt of the package.

33.Variable adj.易变的

The amount of heat produced by this electrical apparatus is variable by turning a small handle.

34.Associate 1. v.结交 2. n.伙伴

Don’t associate with bad and dishonest boys.

He has been my associate in several business enterprises.

35.Chauffeur n.司机

They rented a car with a chauffeur for the winter trip.

36.Dump v.卸下

Don’t dump that trash in the middle of the path.

37.Dye v.染色

Many women like to dye their hair blonde.

38.Feat n.伟绩

The first flight into space was a brilliant feat.

39.Nasty adj. 1.令人作呕的 2.恶劣的

The medicine has a nasty smell and a nastier taste.

Be tactful when you tell him because he has a very nasty temper.

40.Plunder v.抢劫

The pirates entered the harbor and began to plunder the town.

41.Speck n.污点

I found a few specks of dirt on the wallpaper.

42.Strife n.争吵

There has always been strife between the two countries.

43.Strip v.剥去

The monkey stripped the banana by taking off the skins.

44.Tutor n.私人教师

Her farther employed a tutor for her during her long illness.

45.Twinkle v.闪烁

His eyes twinkled with delight when he heard the news that he had passed the entrance examination.



1.A(An) _____ person takes enough time to make up his mind .

2.When the violinist finished playing , the audience _____ for two minutes .

3.An axe is a useful _____ to cut trees .

4.He polished the metal until it had a fine _____ .

5.Giving money to help the Red Cross is a(an) _____ act .

6.He _____ that the train would be on time ; but it left the platform twenty minutes later .

7.His military service was _____ until he finished college .

8.He rapidly _____ his clothes and jumped into the pool .

9.Some children had a _____ instead of going to school

10.Most high school students want to _____ with foreign students to learn their languages .

1. deliberate 2. clapped 3. implement 4. luster 5. benevolent 6. assumed 7. deferred 8. stripped 9. tutor 10. associate
