乔布斯传 第447期:回到未来(5)(在线收听

 Jobs asked for no such analysis. Topping off the design was the handle nestled into the iMac. 但乔布斯对这种论证不予考虑。他们还在iMac外壳的顶部设计了一个内嵌的提手。

It was more playful and semiotic than it was functional. 它的趣味性和象征意义要大于其功能性。
This was a desktop computer; not many people were really going to carry it around. 这是一台台式计算机,不会有什么人提着它到处走。
But as Ive later explained: Back then, people weren't comfortable with technology. 但艾弗是这样想的:当时,人们对科技并不“感冒”。
If you're scared of something, then you won't touch it. 当你畏惧一样东西的时候,你不会去触碰它。
I could see my mum being scared to touch it. 我就看到我妈妈不敢碰计算机。
So I thought, if there's this handle on it, it makes a relationship possible. 所以我就想,如果它上面有个提手,就能使一种关系变为可能。
It's approachable. It's intuitive. It gives you permission to touch. 它是易于接近的,是与生俱来的,它允许你去触摸它。
It gives a sense of its deference to you. 它使你觉得它与众不同。
Unfortunately, manufacturing a recessed handle costs a lot of money. 糟糕的是,要制造一个凹陷的提手需要大量投入。
At the old Apple, I would have lost the argument. 这要是在以前的苹果公司,我的想法肯定会被否决。
What was really great about Steve is that he saw it and said, "That's cool!" 让人惊喜的是,乔布斯第一眼看到它的时候就说了一句,“这太酷了!”
I didn't explain all the thinking, but he intuitively got it. 我从没向他解释过为何要这样做,但他就是自然而然地领会了。
He just knew that it was part of the iMac's friendliness and playfulness. 他认为,这就是iMac友好及有趣的方面之一。