刘毅词汇 5000 lesson 19(在线收听



1.Cite v.引用 同:quote

He cited a paragraph from the book to prove his statement.

2.Esteem n.尊敬 同:respect

All his friends held him in high esteem, for he was very sincere and diligent.

3.Grumble v.抱怨 同:mutter

He was always grumbling about his low salary.

4.Hideous adj.丑恶的 同:horrible

The old woman had such a hideous face that the girls couldn’t even get close to her.

5.Loiter v.闲荡 同:linger

She loitered along the street, looking into all the show windows.

6.Rip v.撕开 同:tear

She ripped her stocking on a sharp nail.

7.Specs n.眼镜 同:eyeglasses

She has very poor eyesight; she can read nothing without her specs.

8.Threshold n.开端;人口 同:doorway

Scientists are now on the threshold of a better understanding of how the human brain works.

9.Token n.象征 同:symbol

All the family wore black as a token of their grief.

10.Traitor n.卖国贼 同:betrayer

The traitor sold our important military secrets to enemy.

11.Uphold v.支持;确认 同:support

The judge upheld the decision of the lower court.

12.Yawn v.打呵气 同:gape

He jawed several times during the lecture; he was not interested in it.

13.Advocate 1. v.主张 反:object 2. n.拥护者

The professor advocates building more schools than roads.

Many scientists who supported the production of atomic bombs are advocates of peace.

14.Denial n.否认 反:acceptance

The minister asked the newspaper to print a denial of the untrue story.

15.Depart v.离开 反:arrive

We arrived in the village in the morning, and departed that night.

16.Flexible adj.易弯曲的 反:stiff

Leather and rubber are flexible; glass and iron are not.

17.Formidable adj.难以克服的 反:feeble

The enemy’s attack was more formidable than we had expected.

18.Gale n.强风 反:breeze

The old tree at the top of the hill was blown down in the gale.

19.Sane adj.神志清明的 反:crazy

The court judged the man sane and therefore responsible for his acts.

20.Underworld n.地狱 反:heaven

Those who live by vice and crime would go to the underworld after death.

21.Vanity n. 1.虚荣心 反:humbleness 2.空幻

The girl’s vanity made her look in the mirror often.

Fame, power, wealth-all is vanity before death.

22.Convict 1. v.宣告有罪 2. n.罪犯

The judge convicted the accused man of theft.

The policeman was chasing a convict who escaped from prison last night.

23.Employee n.员工

That large factory has more than 1000 employees who make cars.

24.Envy n.羡慕

Some boys were full of envy when they saw my new bicycle.

25.Impose v.加(负担,惩罚于)

The judge imposed a fine of 500$ on the guilty man.

26.Invest v.投资

If I had any money, I would invest it in land.

27.Legislate v.立法

In the united states the congress has the power to legislate.

28.Maintain v.保持

He maintained a speed of 60 miles an hour on the highway.

29.Petition n.请愿

The people signed a petition to stop destruction of the historic buildings.

30.Reconcile v.和解

They quarreled last week but now they are completely reconciled.

31.Sensation n. 1.感觉 2.骚动;大事件

I knew the train had stopped, but I had the sensation that it was moving backwards.

The show was a great sensation for several weeks.

32.Sociable adj.好交际的

The secretary doesn’t seem sociable; she likes to be left in office alone.

33.All-out adj.完全

He made an all-out effort to be the best students in his class.

34.Aptitude n.才能

The student shows a great aptitude for languages; he can learn a foreign language much faster than others.

35.Axis n.轴

It takes 24 hours for the earth to make one rotation on its axis.

36.Budget n.预算

They planned a monthly budget for their family.

37.Cargo n.(船,飞机等所载)货物

A cargo of steel was lost at sea.

38.Clergy n.牧师

Members of the clergy are serious students of religion.

39.Cripple n.跛子

He became a cripple as a result of the accident.

40.Dodge v.闪避

The man jumped aside to dodge the speeding truck.

41.Grin v.露齿而笑

The boy grinned with pleasure when I gave him candy.

42.Headquarters n.总部

The policeman was ordered to report to the police headquarters.

43.Retort v.反驳

“your question is not worth answering,” he retorted.

44.Textile n.织物

We need to produce more textiles, especially silk and cotton.

45.Thigh n.大腿;股

The fisherman’s boots came up to his thighs.

46.Toilet n.洗手间

The youngest child has not yet learned how to use the toilet.



1.The _____ who had helped the enemy during the war was killed by the people .

2.She is very obedient to her boss , but often _____ about him when he is out .

3.Your _____ is of no use ; we hae proof .

4.I do not _____ building large factories in our town , for they may be a source of pollution .

5.He suffered from mental disorder last year , but is now _____ enough to do the work .

6.He had no _____ in his fingers after he had burned them .

7.Edison had a remarkable _____ for inventing new things .

8.He _____ quickly when I threw my shoe at him .

9.A(An) _____ is not able to move or walk properly .

10.“It’s none of your business , ” she _____ .

1. tratitor 2. grumbles 3. denial 4. advocate 5. sane 6. sensation 7. aptitude 8. dodged 9. cripple 10. retorted
