TED演讲 第23期:说服 让利他精神成为你的准则(3)(在线收听

 My friend, Daniel Batson, spent a whole life putting people in the lab in very complex situations.  我的朋友丹尼尔巴特森花了一生的时间研究人们在实验室中复杂环境下的表现。

And of course we are sometimes selfish, and some people more than others.  当然,我们有时是自私的, 而且有些人会比他人更自私。
But he found that systematically, no matter what,  但他发现,整体来看,无论如何,
there's a significant number of people who do behave altruistically, no matter what.  有大量的人会表现出利他的行为,无论如何。
If you see someone deeply wounded, great suffering,  如果你看到有人受伤很严重,非常痛苦,
you might just help out of empathic distress you can't stand it, so it's better to help than to keep on looking at that person.  你就会出于同理心而伸出救援之手,你无法承受其伤痛, 与其冷眼相看,不如上前救援。
So we tested all that, and in the end, he said, clearly people can be altruistic.  种种情况都进行过试验研究, 最后,他说,人是有利他精神的
So that's good news.  这是好消息。
And even further, we should look at the banality of goodness.  而且,我们要看到善良的平凡一面。
Now look at here.  看这儿,
When we come out, we aren't going to say,That's so nice.  当我们走出家门,我们不会说,太好了,
There was no fistfight while this mob was thinking about altruism.  当强盗也在考虑帮助他人, 就不会有暴力发生了。
No, that's expected, isn't it?  不,这很显然,不是吗?
If there was a fistfight, we would speak of that for months.  如果真有暴力事件, 那够我们谈论几个月的了。
So the banality of goodness is something that doesn't attract your attention,  因此,你或许没留意到善良的平凡一面,
but it exists.  但它确实存在。
Now, look at this.  看这段录像,
So some psychologists said,  许多心理学家说,
when I tell them I run 140 humanitarian projects in the Himalayas that give me so much joy, 当我告诉他们我在喜马拉雅地区 开展的140个人道主义行动带给我极大的幸福感时,
they said, Oh, I see, you work for the warm glow.  他们说,我明白了,这是温情效应,
That is not altruistic. You just feel good. 而不是利他精神, 你只是为了让自己感觉良好。
You think this guy, when he jumped in front of the train,  看看他,迎着火车跳入铁轨时,
he thought, I'm going to feel so good when this is over?  你们认为他会在想 救了他之后我的感觉会棒极了吗?
But that's not the end of it.  故事并没有结束。
They say, well, but when you interviewed him, he said,  他们说,好吧,他接受采访时,说,
I had no choice. I had to jump, of course. 我没有选择,我不得不跳下去, 当然了。
He has no choice. Automatic behavior. It's neither selfish nor altruistic.  他没有选择,自发的行为。 这不是自私也不是利他。
No choice?  没有选择?
Well of course, this guy's not going to think for half an hour,  当然,他不会在那想个半小时,
Should I give my hand? Not give my hand?  我要不要救他?不救他会怎样?
He does it. There is a choice, but it's obvious, it's immediate.  他跳了下去,这是一个选择, 但很显然,这是瞬间的反应。
And then, also, there he had a choice.  然后,没错,他确实是做了选择。
There are people who had choice, like Pastor Andr Trocm and his wife,  有很多人做了选择, 像 Pastor Andre Trocme 和他的妻子,
and the whole village of Le Chambon-sur-Lignon in France.  还有法国的名为利尼翁河畔勒尚邦的小镇。
For the whole Second World War, they saved 3,500 Jews,  在二次世界大战期间, 他们救了三千五百个犹太人,
gave them shelter, brought them to Switzerland,  为他们提供住所,带他们去瑞士,
against all odds, at the risk of their lives and those of their family.  克服一切困难,冒着丧生和失去整个家庭的危险。
So altruism does exist.  因此,利他精神确实存在。
So what is altruism?  利他精神是什么呢?
It is the wish: May others be happy and find the cause of happiness.  是一种希望: 愿他人幸福喜乐,并找到幸福的根源。
Now, empathy is the affective resonance or cognitive resonance that tells you,  移情作用是一种共鸣, 或称之为认知共鸣,
this person is joyful, this person suffers.  它会让你感受到他人的欢快, 他人的伤痛。
But empathy alone is not sufficient.  但只有移情是不够的。
If you keep on being confronted with suffering,  如果周遭的不幸始终笼罩着你,
you might have empathic distress, burnout,  你就会感到压力,承受不住,
so you need the greater sphere of loving-kindness.  所以,你需要更大范围的充满关爱的善良。
With Tania Singer at the Max Planck Institute of Leipzig,  来自莱比锡马普研究所的塔尼亚?辛格 与我一起发现,
we showed that the brain networks for empathy and loving-kindness are different.  从大脑构造的角度来看, 移情和充满关爱的善良是不一样的。
Now, that's all well done,  这是成熟的科学研究。
so we got that from evolution, from maternal care, parental love,  这些是进化而来的, 是从我们接受母爱、父爱而得到的,
but we need to extend that.  但我们不能止步于此,
It can be extended even to other species.  它还可以拓展到其他物种。
Now, if we want a more altruistic society, we need two things:  如果希望社会中有更多的利他行为, 我们需要做到两方面:
individual change and societal change.  个人的改变和社会的改变。
So is individual change possible?  个人的改变可能吗?
Two thousand years of contemplative study said yes, it is.  两千年的冥想研究表明,是可以改变的。
Now, 15 years of collaboration with neuroscience and epigenetics said yes, our brains change when you train in altruism.  神经科学和表观遗传学 长达15年的合作也表明,改变可以发生,当你接受利他精神的训练时, 你的大脑会发生改变。
So I spent 120 hours in an MRI machine.  我接受了MRI长达120小时的扫描,
This is the first time I went after two and a half hours.  这是上次两个半小时治疗后第一次接受扫描。
And then the result has been published in many scientific papers.  扫描的结果被多篇学术论文选用。
It shows without ambiguity that there is structural change and functional change in the brain when you train the altruistic love.  其结果清晰地表明,当你接受利他关爱的训练时,大脑的结构和机能会发生改变。
Just to give you an idea:  给你们一个直观的感受:
this is the meditator at rest on the left,  从左到右依次是放松状态下的冥思者,
meditator in compassion meditation, you see all the activity,  正在冥思怜悯的冥思者, 你们能看到发生了什么,
and then the control group at rest, nothing happened,  然后是对照组,放松时,什么都没发生,
in meditation, nothing happened.  冥想时,什么都没发生,