
 I should say, before getting to this,  我事先声明,我要说的,

something about sexual intercourse, although I may not have time. 是关于做爱的事情,但我的时间可能不太够。
And so, if you would like me to -- yes, you would? OK. 所以,如果你们想让我说的话——什么?你们很想听?好吧。
There are studies done on the frequency with which individuals engage in the conjugal act, 有人做过关于人做爱频率的研究,
as broken down by male, female; introvert, extrovert.  分类标准有男性、女性、内向者、外向者。
So I ask you: How many times per minute -- oh, I'm sorry, that was a rat study -- 我想问大家:每分钟做多少次——哦,对不起,每分钟多少次,说的是老鼠——
How many times per month do introverted men engage in the act? 3.0. 内向的男性每个月有多少次性行为?3.0次。
Extroverted men? More or less? Yes, more. 外向的男性呢?更多还是更少?没错,更多。
5.5 -- almost twice as much.  5.5次,差不多是2倍。
Introverted women: 3.1. Extroverted women? 内向的女性:3.1次。外向的女性呢?
Frankly, speaking as an introverted male, which I will explain later -- they are heroic. 7.5. 老实说,作为一个内向的男性--关于这一点我稍后会解释--我觉得她们太厉害了。7.5次。
They not only handle all the male extroverts, they pick up a few introverts as well. 她们不但搞定了所有外向的男人,还顺便挑了几个内向的。