
President Trump is on the campaign trail in West Virginia, whipping up support for his embattled Supreme Court nominee, Brett Kavanaugh. I’m not running, but I’m really running, and that’s why I’m all over the place fighting for great candidates. You see what’s going on, you see this horrible, horrible radical group of Democrats, and you see it happening right now.

特朗普总统正在西佛吉尼亚州进行竞选游说,为腹背受敌的最高法院候选人布雷特 卡瓦诺(Brett Kavanaugh)助阵。虽然不是我自己竞选,但胜似我自己竞选。正因如此,我四处奔走,为优秀的候选人们呐喊。大家都看到现在的局势了,很糟糕,因为民主党有一个很激进又极端的团体。这一点,大家现在都有目共睹。

The confirmation battle intensified even more after last week’s riveting testimony by Cavanaugh accuser Christine Blasey Ford and the judges defiant denial. Brett’s assault on me drastically altered my life. For a very long time, I was too afraid and ashamed to tell anyone the details. This confirmation process has become a national disgrace. You have replaced advice and consent with search and destroy.

确认听证会的情况愈演愈烈,因为上周卡瓦诺的指控者克里斯汀 布莱西 福特(Christine Blasey Ford)在参议院出庭作证,备受关注,而且法官们也都强势否认。布雷特对我的侵犯颠覆了我的人生。很长一段时间里,我都惴惴不安,耻于向任何人吐露细节。现在的确认程序已经成为美国的耻辱。你们用搜索和毁灭代替了建议和许可。

Amid the furor over Kavanaugh, Trump is making a furious push around the country to help Republicans hold their narrow majority in the Senate. Promise me, you got to get out for the midterms. Don’t be complacent. You have got to get out for the midterms. Got a vote. But Democrats have some star power of their own, determined to boost turnout, including Trump’s predecessor, Barack Obama. They will say, Well, I am going to wait until the presidential election. This one is actually more important. This is actually more important than any election that we have seen in a long time. Trump will be the central figure in next month’s election, likely motivating both sides.

正在卡瓦诺一事引起轩然大波之际,特朗普正在极力在全国范围内为共和党守住其在参议员的微弱优势。答应我,你们会在中期选举中投票。先别高兴得太早,你们中期选举的时候还是要投票的。投一票吧。但民主党也有明星造势,他们决心增加自己得票数,其中就包括特朗普的前任巴拉克 奥巴马(Barack Obama)。有人会说,我会等到总统大选的时候再出马。这次选举确实更重要,要比很长一段时间里的任何一次选举都更为重要。特朗普将成为下个月选举的中心任务,他的出现很有可能激发两党的劲头。

This is John Fortier. He has been out there endorsing people and working in a way that many thought when he was elected. He would not be really within the Republican Party and working with other candidates. He’s, he’s fully in, for better or worse, and will certainly help some candidates and in Republican places, but may turn off people in others. Democrats have been turning out in big numbers in special elections and in primaries. Positive sign for November, says Jim Kessler. I expect Democrats to take the house. I now even think they might take the Senate, even though the map is so difficult out there. The, the excitement among Democratic voters is very, very high. Republican voters are turning out too, but democratic voters are really turning out. And we will make America great again. Thank you, West Virginia. Thank you! Thank you! Trump is expected to stay busy on the campaign trail right up until Election Day, hoping to blunt a democratic surge that could severely limit his presidency.

这里是约翰 弗缇尔(John Fortier)。他一直在那里为大家提供支持,大家都觉得他应该当选。他不会真地站在共和党那边,也不会跟其他候选人合作。不管怎样,他都全心投入了,而且肯定会帮助到共和党的一些红线人,也有可能让选民转而投给其他人。民主党大量参加了补选和初选。吉姆 凯斯勒(Jim Kessler)表示,这对11月的选举来说是个好兆头。我猜民主党会获得多数席位。我现在甚至认为民主党可能会拿下参议院,虽然现在看来像是毫无可能的样子。民主党的支持者们现在都很热情高涨。共和党的支持者们也都纷纷参加了,但民主党的支持者是肉眼看得见的参加。我们会让美国再次伟大的。感谢西佛吉尼亚州!感谢大家!感谢你们!特朗普在中期选举之前应该都要一直忙碌着,打压民主党的势头,确保自己的任期得以延续。
