
   The chemical cure and the psychological cure both have a role to play, 化学治疗和心理治疗都发挥着重要的作用

  and I also figured out that depression was something that was braided so deep into us 我也发现抑郁是这样一个东西,深深的嵌入在我们的体内
  that there was no separating it from our character and personality. 我们无法将它彻底剥离,它已经嵌入到我们的性格和个性中了
  I want to say that the treatments we have for depression are appalling. 我想说现在我们所用的治疗抑郁症的方法太可怕了
  They're not very effective.  这些方法没有什么效果
  They're extremely costly.  还非常昂贵
  They come with innumerable side effects.  并且伴随着无数的副作用
  They're a disaster.  它们简直就是灾难
  But I am so grateful that I live now and not 50 years ago, 但我很感激我活在当下而不是50年前
  when there would have been almost nothing to be done. 那个时候还不存在有效的方法
  I hope that 50 years hence,  我希望50年后
  people will hear about my treatments and be appalled that anyone endured such primitive science. 人们听到我接受的治疗方法,会震惊于竟然有人愿意忍受如此原始简单的科学
  Depression is the flaw in love.  抑郁是爱的附属品
  If you were married to someone and thought,  如果你跟一个人结婚了,然后想
  "Well, if my wife dies, I'll find another one,"  “好吧,如果我的妻子去世了,我会找一个新的,”
  it wouldn't be love as we know it.  那么据我们所知这不叫爱
  There's no such thing as love without the anticipation of loss, 没有这样一种爱情可以只感受幸福而不体验失去
  and that specter of despair can be the engine of intimacy. 这种绝望的幽灵会成为亲密关系的动力
  There are three things people tend to confuse: depression, grief and sadness.  有三种东西是人们容易混淆的:抑郁,悲伤,难过
  Grief is explicitly reactive.  悲伤是一种明确的反应
  If you have a loss and you feel incredibly unhappy,  如果你遭遇了不幸并感到极度不快乐
  and then, six months later, you are still deeply sad, but you're functioning a little better, 紧接着六个月以后,你还是非常难过,但是生活大致正常了
  it's probably grief, and it will probably ultimately resolve itself in some measure. 这很有可能是悲伤,而且它很有可能在最终一定程度地自我恢复
  If you experience a catastrophic loss, and you feel terrible, 如果你经历了一次灾难性的打击,然后感觉非常糟糕
  and six months later you can barely function at all,  并且六个月之后你依然无法正常生活
  then it's probably a depression that was triggered by the catastrophic circumstances. 那么很有可能就是你的抑郁被这种灾难性的情形触发了
  The trajectory tells us a great deal.  这中变化的过程告诉我们很多信息
  People think of depression as being just sadness.  人们往往认为抑郁只是难过而已
  It's much, much too much sadness,  只是太多太多的难过
  much too much grief at far too slight a cause. 太多的悲伤起因却微不足道
  As I set out to understand depression,  当我开始着手了解抑郁
  and to interview people who had experienced it,  并且采访那些有过这样经历的人时
  I found that there were people who seemed  我发现有些人
  on the surface to have what sounded like relatively mild depression 从表面上看来好像是比较轻微的抑郁
  who were nonetheless utterly disabled by it.  却已经因此彻底丧失行为能力了
  And there were other people who had what sounded  另一些人
  as they described it like terribly severe depression  从他们的描述中得知他们经历了非常严重的抑郁
  who nonetheless had good lives in the interstices between their depressive episodes. 他们却能够在抑郁发作的间隙过着不错的生活
  And I set out to find out what it is  于是我开始研究
  that causes some people to be more resilient than other people.  到底是什么使一些人比另一些人能更好地适应
  What are the mechanisms that allow people to survive?  是什么样的机制让这些人能够幸免?