
   Open your mouth as wide as possible until it's square. You get a mouth. 把你的嘴张得越大越好,直到变成正方形。这就是一个“口“字。

  This is a person going for a walk. Person. 这是一个人正在散步。“人”字。
  If the shape of the fire is a person with two arms on both sides, “火”字的形状就是一个人在两边有两只胳膊,
  as if she was yelling frantically, "Help! I'm on fire!" 好像她正在大喊大叫:“救命啊!我着火了!”
  This symbol actually is originally from the shape of the flame, 实际上,这符号最初来自于火苗的形状,
  but I like to think that way. Whichever works for you. 但是我喜欢那方法。大家随便选。
  This is a tree. Tree. This is a mountain. 这是一棵树木。"木"。这是一座"山"。
  The sun. The moon. The symbol of the door looks like a pair of saloon doors in the wild west. "日"。"月"。“門”的符号,就像狂野西部片里轿车上的一对门。
  I call these eight characters radicals. 我称这八个字为基本字,
  They are the building blocks for you to create lots more characters. 它们是一堆组件,以创造出很多其他的字。
  A person. If someone walks behind, that is "to follow." 一个“人”。如果另一个人走在后面,意思就是“跟随”。
  As the old saying goes, two is company, three is a crowd. 有句谚语,二人为从,三人为众。
  If a person stretched their arms wide, this person is saying, "It was this big." 如果有个人打开双臂,这个人说:“它有这么大。”
  The person inside the mouth, the person is trapped. 把“人”放在“口”里,这个人被困住了。
  He's a prisoner, just like Jonah inside the whale. 他就变成了"囚"徒,就像约拿被困在鲸鱼肚子里。