美国语文第六册 第39期:早晨的清唱剧(5)(在线收听

   The little hairbird still continues his almost incessant chirping, the first to begin and the last to quit the performance. 小小的梳妆鸟依旧在无休止地啾鸣,先是第一只开始,直到最后一只停止表演。

  Though the voice of this bird is not very sweetly modulated, it blends harmoniously with the notes of other birds, 尽管这种鸟的叫声不那么甜美悦耳,其中还很协调地混有其他鸟儿的叫声,
  and greatly increases the charming effect of the combination. 很大程度上增加了令人陶醉的共鸣效果。
  It would be tedious to name all the birds that take part in this chorus; 要想叫出参加大合唱的每只鸟儿的名字,可不是件容易的事情。
  but we must not omit the pewee, with his melancholy ditty, occasionally heard like a short minor strain in an oratorio; 不过,我们千万不要遗漏小燕,它唱的那令人伤感的歌谣,偶尔听上去就像一部清唱剧里的小乐段。
  nor the oriole, who is really one of the chief performers, and who, as his bright plumage flashes upon the sight, 白头翁则不然,它实际上是乐队的主角之一,同它那明亮耀眼的羽毛发出光芒的一样,
  warbles forth a few notes so clear and mellow as to be beard above every other sound. 它那婉转的歌喉吟唱出的音符是那样清亮和柔美,盖过了其他鸟儿的声音。
  Adding a pleasing variety to all this harmony, the lisping notes of the meadowlark,  再加上这种和弦令人愉快的变化多端,草地鹨那清脆的乐音以一种独具的发人深思的转调,
  uttered in a shrill tone, and with a peculiar pensive modulation, are plainly audible, with short rests between each repetition. 发出尖利的音调。在每次重复短暂的间歇,这种天籁般的音乐都清晰可闻。
  There is a little brown sparrow, resembling the hairbird, save a general tint of russet in his plumage, that may be heard distinctly among the warbling host. 与梳妆鸟在一起的还有一种小小的棕色麻雀,除了羽毛上普遍的赤褐色外,它的叫声在一群鸟中间很容易区分开来。
  He is rarely seen in cultivated grounds, but frequents the wild pastures, 在已经开垦的土地上,很少见到这种鸟儿,不过在荒野则经常能发现它的踪迹。
  and is the bird that warbles so sweetly at midsummer, when the whortleberries are ripe, and the fields are beautifully spangled with red lilies. 在仲夏季节,它是叫声最甜美的鸟儿,这时越橘浆果已经成熟,田野到处可见红色的百合花。