美国语文第六册 第50期:生命之虚妄(2)(在线收听

   Oh, that thou wouldest conceal me in the realm of departed souls! 啊,你会把我藏在天各一方的灵魂的国度!

  Hide me in secret, till thy wrath be past; 我籍籍无名,知道你的狂怒成为过去;
  Appoint me then a new term, 然后为我安排一个新的期限,
  And remember me again. 又将我忘怀。
  But alas! if a man die 哎!人死后
  Shall he live again? 还能复生吗?
  So long, then, as my toil endureth, 如此漫长,我忍受艰难困苦,
  Will I wait till a change come to me. 我在等待改变悄悄降临,
  Thou wilt call me, and I shall answer; 你呼唤我,我作答;
  Thou wilt pity the work of thy hands. 你对双手的劳作自爱自怜。
  Though now thou numberest my steps, 尽管现在你在数我的脚步,
  Thou shalt then not watch for my sin. 可你不会看到我的过错。
  My transgression will be sealed in a bag, 我的罪过会藏匿在袋子里,
  Thou wilt bind up and remove my iniquity. 你会卷起来,移开我的邪恶。
  Yet alas! the mountain falleth and is swallowed up, 哎,高山陷落,夷为平地,
  The rock is removed out of its place, 岩石离开原来的位置,
  The waters hollow out the stones, 水在石间流淌回荡,
  The floods overflow the dust of the earth, 洪流漫过大地的尘土,
  And thus, thou destroyest the hope of man. 就这样,你摧毁了人们的希望。
  Thou contendest with him, till he faileth, 你与他争斗,直到他败退,
  Thou changest his countenance, and sendeth him away. 你改变了他的容颜,将他赶到远方。
  Though his sons become great and happy, 尽管他的后代显赫而快乐,
  Yet he knoweth it not; 但你晓得往事不再;
  If they come to shame and dishonor, 要是他们知耻而觉丢脸,
  He perceiveth it not. 他也察觉不到了。