
   To all of you,thank you so much. 谢谢你们 谢谢

  Ah,this is it.Is it good to be back?It's good to be back,yes. 噢 就是这种感觉 回来的感觉好吗 是的 感觉太好了
  And welcome back to you,Tony.We missed you.Thank you,yes,I was away. 欢迎你回来Tony 我们非常想你 谢谢 我的确离开了一段时间
  You were away,and now you are back.I'm so glad.You missed the first show. 是的 重要的是你现在回来了 我太开心了 可惜你错过了首映秀
  I did.I saw somethings,though.Did you see something?Yes,hahaha 没错 不过我可没错过某些东西呀 你看到一些东西吗 是的 哈哈哈
  You didn't see what I saw.No,what did you see?No one saw what I saw 你肯定没看到我看到的 那是 你看到了什么 没人看到我看到的
  Ashton was very revealing,I could say that.That was before the interview. 可以这么说 Ashton非常具有启发性 那发生在访谈之前
  You know,I knew something was gonna happen. 我当时就有预感会发生一些事情
  Ashton is a friend,and we were shooting this cold open,it's a tape piece before the show starts Ashton是我的朋友 我们在拍一段影片 是节目的开场VCR
  He had the robe on and I said I'm really frightened of what is about to happen right now 他身上穿着浴袍 我告诉他我很害怕接下来要发生的事情
  And he said you should be frightened and that sit by my mother,my mother is sitting in the room.You do know that,right 他说你应该感到害怕 要知道 当时我妈妈就坐在旁边 在那个房间里 你知道我妈妈也在 对吗
  He didn't care,so he went ahead and did it anyway 他根本不在乎 所以他还是做了他想做的事
  And he surprised me,he surprised the camera guy,he surprised the sound guy,every one in the control room 他让我吃惊 让摄像师吃惊 让音效师吃惊 他让控制室里所有人都吃了一惊
  But mostly he surprised my Mama,I mean more than anything.My Mama,my poor Mama 但最主要的 他让我妈妈吃了一大惊 我可怜的妈妈
  And I wanna show you something that was not on the show.It's not the unpixelated version,don't worry,we can't show that 现在我给你们看一些上次没播出的东西 放心 不是拿掉马赛克的版本 我们播不了那段
  But we did two takes,and here's part of one of the takes that did not air 我们当时录了两个版本 这是未播出过的版本