
 3 MURDERS & A KILLER ON THE RUN 3起谋杀案和一个在逃的杀手

Mike Bullinger had a wife in Utah and a girlfriend in Idaho. Then his 2 worlds collided, and 3 people wound up dead. 迈克·布林格在犹他州有妻子,在爱达荷州有女友。然后他的两个世界相撞,3人死亡。
For Nadja Medley, a widow and single mom who found new love with pilot Gerald Michael "Mike" Bullinger, her new Idaho home with him was perfect. 纳佳·梅德利是一位寡妇、单亲妈妈,她和飞行员杰拉尔德·迈克尔·“麦克”· 布林格在一起,找到了新的爱情。他们在爱达荷的家简直完美。
Narrating a video tour of the property for her Facebook friends in May 2017, she scanned an expansive backyard— 2017年5月,她在Facebook上为她的朋友们拍了一段关于这处房产的视频并讲解,期间她仔细录了那个昂贵的后院,
where she and her daughter Payton, 14, could keep their menagerie of chickens, rabbits and dogs—and fields overgrown with wild flowers. 她和她14岁的女儿佩顿可以在那里养鸡、兔子和狗,地上开满了野花。
"You can't even see the house because of all the trees," Medley, 48, gushed."Yep, baby, we're loving it! “因为有那些树,你甚至都看不到房子,”48岁的麦德利滔滔不绝地说。“是的,宝贝,我们爱这里!”
But there was a deadly darkness she didn't see. 但是有一种致命的黑暗她没看见。
Six weeks later worried friends who hadn't heard from Medley asked the Canyon County sheriff's office to check on her and Payton at the house. 六周后,朋友们没有收到麦德利消息,忧心忡忡,要求峡谷县警察办公室到家里去看看她和佩顿的情况。
There, an officer following a "foul odor" found mother and daughter dead in the backyard shed, covered by a tarp and lying beside just one of the secrets Bullinger had kept from them: his wife, Cheryl Baker, 56. 在那里,一名警官沿着“恶臭”发现,母女俩死在后院的棚屋里,身上盖着防水布,旁边躺着的,是布林格对她们隐瞒的秘密之一:他的妻子谢丽尔·贝克(Cheryl Baker), 56岁。
The trio had been killed, each with a single gunshot to the head, 10 to 12 days earlier, Sheriff Kieran Donahue says. 警长基兰·多纳休说,三人都是在10到12天前被杀的,每个人的头部都被一枪击中。
Medley's three dogs were also found dead. "It was a horrific scene." 麦德利的三只狗也被发现死了。“这真是可怕的一幕。”
And Bullinger? "He had a 10-day head start to get away." 布林格呢?“他可以提前10天逃跑。”
More than a year later Bullinger's fate remains a mystery—hundreds of tips and sightings around Idaho and Utah proved dead ends; 一年多后,布林格的命运依然是个谜——爱达荷州和犹他州的数百条小道消息和目击报告最后都是徒劳无功;
his car was found deep in Bridger-Teton National Forest in Wyoming, and a search of those 3.4 million acres found no trace of him—but his guilt, as far as Donahue is concerned, is not in doubt. 他的汽车在怀俄明州的布里格尔-提顿国家森林深处被发现,警方搜寻了那340万英亩土地也没有发现他的踪迹——但在多纳休看来,他的罪行是毋庸置疑的。
"Critical evidence" was found in the car and at his homes in Caldwell Idaho, and Ogden, Utah, the sheriff says, and priority No. 1" is to find him." 在他的车里,在他位于爱达荷州考尔德韦尔的家中,以及犹他州奥格登的家中,都发现了“关键证据”,警长说,首要任务是“找到他”。
Mr. Bullinger committed this crime, and yes, we can prove that in court." “布林格先生犯了这个罪,是的,我们可以在法庭上证明。”
But is Bullinger still alive to face capture, let alone a trial? 但布林格是否还活着等待被捕吗?更不用说审判了。
Though the outdoorsy 60-year-old taught survival training, he couldn't have survived winter in Bridger-Teton, Donahue says. 多纳休说,尽管这位60岁的户外运动爱好者教授生存训练,但他不可能在布里格-提顿度过冬天。
"It's my belief he took his life in the forest or died by exposure. But he could be out there, and that's why we work it every day. He's a danger to society." “我相信他是在森林里结束了自己的生命,或者死于暴晒。”但他可能还在那里,这就是我们每天工作的原因。他是社会的危险人物。