乔布斯传 第471期:高领衫和团队合作(6)(在线收听

 People also had to put up with Jobs's occasional irrational or incorrect assertions. 人们还要忍受乔布斯偶尔提出的无理要求或错误主张。

To both family and colleagues, 无论是对家人还是同事,
he was apt to declare, with great conviction, some scientific or historical fact that had scant relationship to reality. 他都会非常坚决地去断定一些跟现实没什么关系的科学或历史事实。
"There can be something he knows absolutely nothing about, and because of his crazy style and utter conviction, “这世界上一定有什么事是他完全不了解的,但是他会利用他疯狂的表现力和坚信不疑,
he can convince people that he knows what he's talking about," said Ive, who described the trait as weirdly endearing. 去说服人们相信他知道自己在讲什么。”艾弗说,并认为这是一种“古怪的可爱”。
Yet with his eye for detail, Jobs sometimes correctly pounced on tiny things others had missed. 乔布斯有时火眼金睛,能够发现别人注意不到的细节。
Lee Clow recalled showing Jobs a cut of a commercial, making some minor changes he requested, 李·克劳回忆起,有一次他给乔布斯看一段广告片,是按照乔布斯的意见修改过的,
and then being assaulted with a tirade about how the ad had been completely destroyed. 但他还是被乔布斯长篇大论地批评了一顿,说他“把这个广告给彻底毁了”。
"He discovered we had cut two extra frames, something so fleeting it was nearly impossible to notice," said Clow. “有一次他发现我们多剪掉两个镜头,这两个镜头是一闪而过的,几乎不可能被发现。”克劳说,
"But he wanted to be sure that an image hit at the exact moment as a beat of the music, and he was totally right." “但是他要求每幅画面都要和背景音乐结合得恰到好处,他的想法完全正确。”