美国小学英语教材4:第130课 每个国家都有自己的英雄(6)(在线收听

 1 heard in my own country of the terrible Grendel, who kills your brave warriors. 我在自己的国家听说过可怕的格伦德尔,他杀死了你们的勇士。

Men say that he cannot be hurt by weapons; 人们说武器伤害不了他;

so I have come to fight him without sword or shield. 所以我来与他一较高下,不用刀,不用盾。

I will try to save the Danes from this wicked giant." 我会尽力把丹麦人从这个邪恶的巨人手中救出来。”

These brave words filled the king with joy. 这些勇敢的话使国王感到很开心。

"0 Beowulf," he said, "if you will slay Grendel, our great hall will again become a place of laughter and song." 说道:“贝奥武夫,如果你杀了格伦德尔,我们的大殿将再次成为欢声笑语的地方。”

Then Hrothgar ordered rich food and drink to be placed upon the tables, and the Goths and the Danes sat down together. 然后赫罗斯加国王命令人在桌子上摆满丰富的食物和饮料,哥特人和丹麦人坐在一起。

While they feasted in the beautiful hall, the minstrel sang sweet songs praising Beowulf, who had come so far across the sea to save them. 当他们在美丽的大殿里胡吃海喝时,吟游诗人唱起了甜美的歌曲,赞美远渡重洋来救他们的贝奥武夫。

When the sun had set and darkness was falling, the king rose to leave the hall. "Beowulf," he said, "keep guard over this house tonight. 日落天黑,大王起身出殿。说道:“贝奥武夫,今晚守着这所房子。

Save us from our terrible enemy, and whatever you ask shall be given you." 求你救我们脱离那可怕的敌人,你有什么要求,我都答应你。”

Then all the Danes left the hall, but Beowulf and his companions waited for the coming of Grendel. 于是所有的丹麦人都离开了大殿,贝奥武夫和他的同伴们等待着格伦德尔的到来。
