欧美人文风情第168篇:博物馆巡礼罗马 - 卡比托利博物馆(在线收听

 A visit to Rome's Capitoline Museum puts you curbside for a victory parade down the Via Sacra. 一趟至罗马卡比托利博物馆的游览,能让你置身在沿着圣道行进的胜利游行路旁。

The conquering generals rolled down the street with carts of booty.  凯旋的将军们带着满载战利品的推车沿着街道行进。
Triumphant horns blare while citizens ooh and aah at the plunder of conquered lands.  市民们赞叹着来自征服地的掠夺物,同时胜利的号角响起。
That captive king is led by in handcuffs.  那受俘的国王铐着手铐被带进来。
And then Marcus Aurelius, the Eisenhower of the day, 接着马可·奥理略(罗马皇帝),等同于那时的艾森豪总统,
rolls through on his four-horse chariot, rose petals strewing in his path. 驾着他的四马战车通过,玫瑰花瓣洒落在他行经的道路上。
The Dying Gaul is a Roman copy of a Greek original made in the third century B.C. 《垂死的高卢人》是座造于西元前三世纪的希腊原作的罗马复制品。
It was used as propaganda, part of the monument celebrating a victory over the barbarians.  它被用来作宣传用途,纪念碑的一部分颂扬一场击败野蛮人的胜利。
You can ponder scenes of Romans slaughtering barbarians, and look into the eyes of now-forgotten emperors. 你可以遥想罗马人屠杀野蛮人的场景,并且望进现已被遗忘的皇帝们的双眼。
And the museum also shows a more peaceful and intimate side of Roman life.  博物馆也展示出罗马生活较宁静且怡人的一面。
Here's a boy quietly pulling a thorn from his foot. 这儿是个男孩静静地从他脚上挑出一根刺。
At first glance, these look like paintings.  乍看之下,这些看起来像画。
But a closer look shows they are micro-mosaics made of thousands of tiny fragments. 但再靠近点会看见它们是由数千个小碎片组成的马赛克拼贴画。
This one hung in Emperor Hadrian's villa. 这一幅作品曾挂在哈得良大帝的别墅内。
The Capotaline Venus, another Roman copy of a Greek original, is one of the truest represantations of the concept of feminine beauty from ancient times. 卡比托利版维纳斯,另一件仿希腊原作的罗马复制品,是最合乎古代女性美感观念的代表作之一。
And this statue, called the Drunken Faun, is a playful reminder that a thread of ancient Rome that survives today is a fondness for good food and fine wine. 而这座雕像,名为《醉酒牧神》,是个有趣的提醒,提醒着这条留存至今的古罗马历史脉络,是关于对佳肴和美酒的钟爱。