打工姐妹花第二季 第70期:四个人的座位(在线收听

 Table ten just ordered cocktails. Yeah, 'cause we're that kind of a place. 第10桌刚点了杯鸡尾酒。她以为我们这里有多高级啊。

Does anybody know how to make Sex On The Beach? 谁知道"性感沙滩"怎么做呀?
Easy. I put on my speedo and wait. 很简单。我穿上三角泳裤,之后就能了。
Those girls have been drinking for hours. 那俩妞喝酒喝好久了。
Just press every button on the gun and add rum. 随便加饮料,然后混朗姆酒就行了
Look at them. Not a care in the world. Having a great time. 瞧瞧她们,无忧无虑。开心自在。
I hate them. I hate them, too. 我讨厌她们。我也讨厌她们。
I hate them more. I hate that you hate them more. So jealous. 我比你更讨厌她们。我讨厌你比我更讨厌她们。羡慕嫉妒恨啊。
Okay, ready for party of four. 好了,四人座准备好了。
Excuse me. Pardon me. Excuse me. Okay. 借过,抱歉。借过,好了。
Hey, baby! Looking good. Mm, always. I'll be in my booth. 宝贝!美呆了。向来如此。我就坐我老位子。
Sophie, you cannot take up a whole booth alone. There are people waiting. You must leave. 苏菲,你不能一个人占四个人的座位。有人等着呢,你得离开。
Go stand in the corner now! 快给我滚去墙角罚站!
Before I bend you across my knee and spank you in front of the whole class. 不然我就当着全班同学的面把你按在我膝盖上打屁股。
Well, I was going to stand in the corner anyway. But tomorrow night, smaller table. 我本来就要去角落里站着。不过明晚,你只能坐小桌子。
Go stand in the corner now! 快给我滚去墙角罚站!