打工姐妹花第二季 第90期:住进姐妹额家(2)(在线收听

 Are we sure this is a good idea? 你确定这是个好主意吗?

You saw how turned on he was. He was practically raising a barn in his pants. 你也看见那小伙多性奋了。他都在自己裤裆里"盖起"一间马棚了。
We're fine, they're fine. Just a typical male reaction to a couple of hot cougars like us. Ra. Rawr. 我们没事,他们也没事。这是典型的男性反应。因为遇见像我们这样的性感熟女。如饥似渴,如狼似虎。
You know what isn't a typical male reaction? 你知道什么不是典型的男性反应吗?
Not calling or texting a girl you're interested in. 不给自己喜欢的姑娘打电话和发短信。
Well, why don't you just text Andy, then? 何不你给安迪发短信呢?
What should I text? "Why so gay, question mark"? 我应该发什么啊?"干嘛这么基,问号"?
I don't know. The only thing I've ever texted to a guy is, "There's a cop behind you, walk past me." Just say "Hey." 我不知道。我唯一给男人发过的短信是,"你身后有警察,别停下跟我说话"。就发个"好吗"得了。
Okay. I can do that. "Hey." Huh, it autocorrected to "Gay." 好吧,发这个可以。"好吗"。手机都自动更正为"好基"了。
Even the phone's getting that vibe. There, sent it. "Hey." 连我手机都感觉到了。好了,发出去了。
Do you think I could grab a beer? Yes. No. 我可以拿瓶啤酒喝吗?行啊。不行。
Look, they're working for us for free. One beer each. 人家免费帮我们盖马棚呢。一人拿一瓶吧。
Awesome, awesome, awesome. 好棒,好棒,好棒。
Max, you can't give underage kids beer in our home. 麦克斯,怎么能在咱家给未成年人酒喝啊。
Why? Isn't that what love is? 为啥不行,这不就是爱的真谛吗?
Jebediah, beer is the devil's saliva. 杰巴达亚,啤酒是魔鬼的口水。
Neighbors come a-calling after midnight in Williamsburg? 在威廉斯堡,邻居午夜过后还来敦亲睦邻啊
Where is this William? I'd like to compliment him on his burg. 这位威廉是谁啊?我想当面夸赞他这堡。