打工姐妹花第二季 第171期:只够两个人的晚餐(在线收听

 There you go, your dinner for two. 这是你们的"二人"晚餐。

Two soups, two salads, two entrees, two desserts. I hope you three enjoy. 两份汤,两份沙拉,两份主菜,两份甜点。希望你们"三个"能吃得愉快。
Maybe could we order another meal? 我们能不能再点一份呢?
No problem, just call. Extra charge, of course. Ohm Shanti. 没问题,打服务电话就行。当然,要额外收费哦。大家平安。
Ohm Shanti means "screw you" in yoga, right? 其实是瑜伽里"坑爹"的意思,对吧?
I am so starving. Oh, my God, this looks amazing! 我要饿死了。天啊,看起来真好吃!
Oh, and the bread is still warm! 面包还是温的呢!
And there's one of those crazy-ass pretzel rolls. 还有一个超怪异的椒盐脆饼卷。
Is it a pretzel? Is it a roll? No idea, it's crazy. 到底是脆饼,还是面包卷?不晓得,反正就是超怪。
Max, put some of this butter on it. 麦克斯,涂点这些奶油上去。
Try and stop me, bitch! Here, take half. Thanks! Yo. 想让我不涂都不行,贱人。来,一人一半。谢谢!吃得开心吗。
Oh, my God, Andy! I totally forgot. Not about you. I forgot my manners. 天啊,安迪,我完全忘了。不是忘了你的存在,而是忘了我的礼貌。
If my Danish governess were here, she would hit me with her wooden spoon. 如果我的丹麦家庭老师在这里,她一定会拿她的木勺子打我的。
I'm so sorry. Go, sit. You eat. Enjoy the pretzel roll. 非常抱歉。来,坐下,你吃。好好享受椒盐脆饼卷。
It's gone. You snooze, you lose. 没了,先下手为强,后下手遭殃。
No, you sit. I'm good. I'll order more food. 不,你坐吧,我无所谓。我再点多点吃的。
No, sit! Sit. I'm the bad one. 不,你坐,你坐。我才是坏人。
This soup is "Duh-mazing." 这汤"强赞"啊。
Just a word I made up for when something's so amazing, you're stunned, and all you can say is "Duh." Duh-mazing. 这词是我瞎编的,当有事物赞得吓着你时,你只能用一个字来形容,"强"。强赞。