陨落星辰第一季 第142期:安排防御(在线收听

 You found him? Yeah. 找到他了。嗯

Take him to the clinic.  带他去医务室
It's okay.  没事
Tom, what's going on?  汤姆,怎么回事
You should hear this. There you go.  你有必要听一下,给你
You found the tube. Rick had it on him. 找到电子管了。里克拿着呢
I'm gonna need you to get that transmitter up and running as soon as possible. Okay. Come on in. 你尽快把发报器组装好,让它工作。好的。都进来
Okay, we don't have a lot of time, so I'm just gonna lay it out. 时间不多了,长话短说吧
The Skitters know where we are,  突击者知道我们的位置了
and there's a good chance they're gonna attack.  很有可能发动进攻
We all hoped we could hang on until the strike team made it back. 我们都希望坚持到攻击队伍班师回来
That's too risky now, so I've decided to evacuate the civilians. 现在太危险,所以我决定疏散平民
We're gonna walk them out through the tunnel behind the auditorium. 护送他们从礼堂后面的隧道里逃走
Once through, they'll move west, away from the city.  一旦出去,让他们向西逃离城市
If the Skitters have the scent, they'll be crawling all over this area. 如果突击者察觉到风吹草动,就会把这里围得水泄不通
It's not gonna be easy to get around them.  想绕过它们可不容易
That's why I'm gonna stay behind with a small group of volunteers. 因此我要选择一小队志愿者,和我留下来掩护大家
If the aliens attack, we'll draw their fire, keep them focused on us 如果外星人发动攻击,我们来吸引火力,让分散它们的注意力
Maybe open up a window for the civilians to escape.  为平民逃跑争取机会
But how are we gonna hold off the Skitters and Mechs?  我们该如何拖住突击者和械甲怪
Our best soldiers are with Weaver.  最好的士兵都跟着韦弗走了
I know how it sounds.  我知道困难重重
But I want you to think about where we are.  但你们想一下自己身在何处
Battles of Lexington and Concord were fought not too far from here. 莱克星敦和康科德战役的遗址就在离这不远处
Small force of colonists against the entire might of the British Empire. 小股殖民者对抗整个大英帝国
Nobody gave them much of a chance, either.  他们也没多少胜算
Patrick Henry called it.  帕特里克·亨利曾经说过
"The battle is not to the strong alone. "战争的胜利并非只属于强者
It is to the vigilant, the active, and the brave."  它将属于那些机警,主动和勇敢的人们"
A small, disciplined militia can not only hold out against a larger force but drive it back, 一支受过训练的民兵小队不仅可以拖住强大的敌人,还可以把他们赶走
because they're fighting for what rightfully belongs to them.  因为他们在为属于自己的东西而战
This is our home, our world.  这里是我们的家园,我们的世界
So remember that if they come.  它们来的时候,请大家想想这句话
So let's go do this.  我们开始吧