疑犯追踪第1季 第54期:四号房的病人(在线收听

 You are being watched. 你在被监视着。

The government has a secret system—a machine that spies on you every hour of every day. 政府有一套秘密系统,一台每时每刻都在监视你的机器。
I know because...I built it. 我知道,因为……它是我造的。
I designed the machine to detect acts of terror, 我设计这台机器是为了侦测恐怖行动,
but it sees everything—Violent crimes involving ordinary people. 但它却看到了一切与普通人相关的暴力罪行。
People like you. 像你一样的普通人。
Crimes the government considered irrelevant. 而政府认为这些罪行无关紧要。
They wouldn't act, so I decided I would. 他们不肯作为 所以我决定插手。
But I needed a partner. 但我需要一个搭档。
Someone with the skills to intervene. 一个有能力介入其中的人。
Hunted by the authorities, We work in secret. 因为被当局追捕,我们只能秘密行事。
You'll never find us. 你永远找不到我们。
But victim or perpetrator, if your number's up, we'll find you. 不管你是被害人和行凶者,如果你的号码被列出来,我们就会找到你。
Every time I close my eyes, I see him. 我一闭上眼睛,就能看到他。
He won't stop. 他不放过我。
Maybe I'm already dead. 也许我已经死了。
Surgical three, down that hall, second door on the left. 三号病房,在走廊尽头,左手边第二扇门。
Yes, all right. 好。
Thank you. 谢谢。
Mr. Davidson in eight needs a CBC, an EKG, and a portable chest x-ray. 八号房的戴维森先生需要全血细胞计数,做心电图和便携式胸透。
And the kid in five needs stitches - 4-centimeter head laceration. 五号房的孩子需要缝针,头部撕裂,伤口四厘米。
Uh, what about the guy in four? 那四号房的那个呢?
He's, uh, been waiting for three hours. 他已经等了三小时了。
Thank you. 谢谢。
Hi. 嗨。
Hi. 嗨。
You look rather busy today. 你今天很忙啊。
I was hoping to avoid this. 我本来不想来的。
Oh, sorry about the wait. 不好意思让你等这么久。
I'm Dr. Tillman. 我是提尔曼医生。
How do you do? 你好?
Hi. 你好。
I see that you are experiencing some back pain. 看来你是背痛。
My doctor's playing golf in the Caymans. 我的医生去开曼群岛打高尔夫了。
I just need a refill on my pain medication. 我只需要再拿点止痛药。
All right, on a scale of one to five, how bad's your pain? 好吧,程度1—5,你的背有多痛?
On a good day, three. 好的情况下是3。
Today is not a good day. 今天可不是好情况。
Squeeze my hands. 抓着我的手。
All right. 好吧。
Judging from your bone grafts, it looks like you had spinal-fusion surgery about... 从你的骨骼结构来看,看你做过脊椎融合手术……
A year or two ago? 一两年前吗?
Yeah. 是的。
You know, if your pain's chronic, there are other treatments. 如果你长期背痛,还有其他治疗方法。