疑犯追踪第1季 第75期:均衡原则(在线收听

 Which may explain why the machine has sent us his social. 也许就是因为这点机器才报出他的社保号码。

Absolutely not. 绝对不行。
This is direct evidence, properly obtained. 这是合法获取的直接证据。
So odds are he's the victim, not the perpetrator. 所以他应该是目标,而非嫌犯。
Judges get plenty of death threats. 法官常受死亡威胁。
It doesn't pass the balancing test, your honor. 法官大人,这个录像不符合均衡原则。
The probative value is...I know what the balancing test is, counselor. 其证明效力...-我知道什么是均衡原则,律师先生。
Gates gets more death threats than most. 盖茨比常人遭遇更多死亡威胁。
Word at the courthouse is he's waging a one-man war on crime...tough, by-the-book, making lots of enemies. 换句官话就是他以一己之力向罪恶展开战争...强硬 一丝不苟 树敌无数。
If video of the actual crime is unfairly prejudicial, I think we might have to give up on the entire concept of trial by jury. 如果案发现场的视频也有不公平的偏见,那恐怕我们就得摒弃整个陪审团机制了。
The video's in. 视频资料有效。
Everyone has enemies. 每个人都有敌人。
The machine identifies malice and an intent to harm. 机器会选出恶意和伤害的预谋。
We need to determine which threat it saw, which one is real. 我们得判断究竟是什么威胁,哪一个才是真的威胁。
Until we know, my best bet is to stay close to Gates, in case somebody makes a move. 在搞清情况前最好的办法就是盯紧盖茨,以防被人占了先机。
Looks like he's got quite a collection of enemies. 看来他的敌人真是不少。
Mr. Reese, any sign of a threat? 里瑟先生 有威胁迹象吗?
Does cholesterol count? 胆固醇算吗?
I'm nearly done analyzing the threatening letters. 恐吓信基本分析完了。
There are nine that I still can't source, but I've identified six possible suspects. 还有九封查不到来源,不过找到六个可疑嫌犯。
Any of them white guys with crew cuts? 里面有留平头的白人吗?
Not that I'm aware of. 没注意到。