疑犯追踪第4季 第13期:战争(在线收听

 You don't get to sit this one out. 你不能坐视不管。

The world can't afford to indulge your indecision. 这世界不容你再犹豫不决了。
I think I made my decision quite clear. 我想我的决定很清楚了。
Sorry. You have to pick a side, because this is war. 抱歉。你得选个边站,因为这是战争。
And the thing we're up against, it has virtually unlimited resources, 我们的对手,拥有无穷无尽的资源,
governments working unwittingly at its behest, operatives around the globe protecting it. 政府不知不觉地听命于它,世界各处都有特工在保护它。
You know how many we have? 你知道我们有多少人手吗?
Five. 五个。
Six, if you count the dog. 六个,如果你算上那条狗的话。
You have a God in this fight, Harold, and she's fighting for her life. 这场战争中你有上帝在手,哈罗德,而她正在奋力求生。
I wouldn't know. 我不知道。
She only talks to you, Ms. Groves. 她只跟你说话,格罗夫斯女士。
Just because you stopped listening to her doesn't mean she isn't looking out for you. 你不再听从于她不代表她不再保护你。
This job, your identity, is her keeping you alive. 这份工作,你的身份,是她在保你的命。
She has the plan, Harold, but she needs you to sit up and pay attention. 她自有计划,哈罗德,但她需要你振作起来,用心关注。
To what, the numbers? 关注什么,号码吗?
In the face of such a struggle, saving one or two people, what difference would that make? 面对那样的难事,救下一两个人又有什么用?
Every life matters. 每个生命都重要。
You taught me that. 那是你教我的。
The numbers, our identities, they all mean something. 些号码,我们的身份,都有其用意。
It all adds up to something. 那它们殊途同归。
All of this matters. 这一切都很重要。
We all matter. 我们都很重要。
You got your friends into this mess. 是你让你的朋友陷进来的。
Least you can do is get them out of it. 至少应该拉他们出来。
What happened? 怎么回事?
Saved your ass. 救你一条小命。
That's what happened. 就这么回事。
I had things in hand, Shaw. 我手里有事,肖。
Yeah, things like a grenade launcher. 是啊,一把枪榴弹发射器。
You can't do that anymore, Reese. 你不能再那么做了,里瑟。
Neither of us can. 我们都不能了。
We get caught, we get exposed, and then it's lights out. 如果我们被抓,就会暴露,那就全完了。