疑犯追踪第4季 第143期:马堡病毒(在线收听

 Inside the safe, there was a metal case with "Marv" on the label. 保险柜里有个金属箱标有"马尔夫"。

Marv? Whatever it was, Tomas' buddies have it now. 马尔夫?反正东西被托马斯的兄弟拿走了。
Oh, dear, this is bad. This is very, very bad. 天啊,不妙了。大事不妙了。
Those labels don't say "Marv." They say "Mar-v," as in "Marburg virus," a viral hemorrhagic fever with a mortality rate approaching 90%. 那些标签不是写"马尔夫"。是"马毒","马堡病毒",能引起出血性高烧,死亡率接近九成。
It's like Ebola's evil twin. 埃博拉的邪恶双胞胎。
Dr. Petrova was in Uganda collecting samples of the virus. 佩特洛娃博士在乌干达搜集这种病毒的样本。
But due to the outbreak of Ebola in western Africa, her request to ship them to the CDC was denied by Homeland Security. 但是由于西非埃博拉病毒爆发,她把样本送回疾控中心的要求被国安局拒绝了。
Rather than lose months of research, Dr. Petrova chose to smuggle them into the U.S. illegally. 因为不忍让多月的研究付之东流,佩特洛娃博士选择把样本非法偷运回美国。
And now somebody stole them. 现在却被人偷了。
If it makes you feel better, Dr. P's freaking out about it. She just turned herself in to her bosses at the CDC. 希望你能让你舒服点,佩博士现在心急如焚。她刚向疾控中心的负责人自首了。
It would be difficult to overstate the degree to which we do not need ten vials of Marburg floating around the streets of New York City. 十瓶马堡病毒威力无穷,一旦被释放在纽约,后果不堪设想,我们不能让这种事发生。
We have to find the virus and the people who stole it fast. 我们得尽快找到病毒和盗窃者。
Okay, I'll track down Max and Henrik, but we need to know who they're working for. 好,我去追踪麦克斯和亨里克,但我们得知道他们是替谁干活。
It was probably the same client who hired Tomas in the first place. Nobody else knew about the robbery. 可能和当初雇佣托马斯的是同一个客户。其他人不知道抢劫的事。
Plus, paying those two to kill Tomas is cheaper than paying all three. It is. 再说,给钱他们俩去杀了托马斯比付三个人的酬金要便宜。没错啊。
So...who's your client? 那么...你的客户是谁?
Who's yours? You're not just a thief, and you're definitely not working alone. So why should I even trust you? 你的又是谁?你不止是小偷,而且你肯定不是单独行动。所以我为什么要相信你?
You wanna talk about trust, huh? You just stole a very dangerous virus for some very dangerous people. 你想谈信任问题啊?你刚替极度危险份子偷了极度危险的病毒。
Look, I never would have done that if I knew what I was taking. I'm not a saint, but some things are too far, even for a man like me. 如果我知道目标是什么,我是绝对不会动手的。我不是圣人,但有些事太过分,连我也是不肯做的。