疑犯追踪第4季 第200期:法罗的丈夫(在线收听

 Lambert wasn't lying, Finch. Rachel Farrow's husband is dead. 朗伯所言非虚,芬奇。雷切尔·法罗的丈夫死了。

Why is Samaritan working the numbers? 撒马利亚人为什么会处理号码?
Samaritan doesn't care about the irrelevant numbers, Ms. Shaw. It wasn't programmed that way. 撒马利亚人不关心无关号码,肖女士。它的程序中不存在。
But it knew this woman was about to commit murder and chose to play judge, jury, and executioner with her husband. 但它知道这个女人即将杀人,于是就出手扮演她丈夫的法官、 陪审团和执刑人。
It's drawing attention to itself. But for what reason? 它想吸引注意。但为什么呢?
We know you're watching. You're always watching.  我们知道你在监视。你永远在监视。
I have a message for the machine and its agents. Samaritan says hello. 有句话要捎给机器及其特工:撒马利亚人向你们问好。
You got to admit, Samaritan's pretty efficient. 不得不承认,撒马利亚人做事效率很高。
But not efficient enough to stop the numbers from coming.  再高效也没挡住号码继续跳出来。
We've just received a new one. I've sent John to investigate. 我们刚收到新号码了。我派约翰去调查了。
I meant from stopping an innocent woman from making a terrible mistake, taking out the bad guy. 我是说及时阻止无辜女子铸成大错,高效打击坏蛋。
Yes, however, that bad guy deserved a trial by his peers. 随便吧,那个坏蛋也有权利接受同类的审判。
He saved the government some time and money. 他可帮政府节省了时间和金钱。
Are you ready for instantaneous judgment decided by an artificial intelligence that will lead to your demise, Ms. Shaw?  你愿意接受人工智能的瞬间判断来决定你的死亡吗,肖女士?
Because I most certainly am not. 我可是不愿意。
Okay. Not to stick up for Feam Samaritan, but I used to do that for a living, remember? 好吧。不是想为撒马利亚小分队叫好,可我以前就是干这个活儿的,记得吗?
Eliminate targets at the behest of an A.I.I just didn't know who was giving the orders. 听从人工智能的命令消除目标。我当时只是不知道谁下的令。
Look, why don't you ask Root what she thinks? She's the one who wants us to bow down to our robot overlords. 你干吗不问问根的想法?她才一门心思想我们全跪倒在机器人主子膝下。