疑犯追踪第4季 第201期:类比(在线收听

 The machine isn't a robot, Sam, but I hear your analogy. 机器不是机器人,萨姆,不过我听到你的类比了。

It seems that Samaritan has been helping people across the city for a few days now. 看来撒马利亚人最近几天一直在城里救人。
The machine sent me a message. She said that Rachel Farrow was just one of its stops. 机器给了我句话。她说雷切尔·法罗只是其中之一。
That tracks with what I'm seeing here-- Buses, subways, trains, all running like clockwork. 根据我现在看到的情况:巴士 、地铁 、火车,运行精确如钟表。
Nothing broken. Nothing delayed. When was the last time that happened in New York? 毫无损坏,毫无延迟。你几时在纽约见过这种情况?
In my dreams, maybe. 在我梦里见过。
Samaritan's running the city. 撒马利亚人在控制整个城市。
I believe it is. But why? 我相信是的。但为什么呢?
What if it's trying to reach out to the machine the only way it knows how. 也许是因为它想接触机器,这是它唯一的办法。
But then why do it this way? Why not just...I don't know.  但为什么用这种方式呢?为什么不直接...我不知道。
How do artificial super intelligences usually talk to each other? 超级人工智能之间通常怎么聊天?
These machines have avoided making contact with one another for good reason. 机器之间避免接触是有原因的。
If two dueling a. S.I.S arrive at anything short of consensus, the outcome could be catastrophic. 如果两个对立的人工智能达成某种共识,那后果将是灾难性的。
Two angry gods hurling boulders at one another while the ants scurry below. 两个愤怒的上帝互殴,下面的蝼蚁就要遭殃了。
This may be a request for peace talks. 也许是和平协商。
Well, maybe they should just kiss and make up. 也许那两货应该亲亲小嘴儿,摸摸小手儿。
To what end, Ms. Shaw? Samaritan's plans will be many hundreds, if not thousands, of steps beyond what we can imagine. 然后呢,肖女士?撒马利亚人的计划可能百步,甚至千步,领先于我们的猜想。
The machine will protect us. 机器会保护我们。
Even if I had succeeded in creating a benevolent machine, as if any such thing could exist, 即使我造了一台有悲悯之心的机器,就算这种可能性存在,
never forget that even a so-called friendly artificial super intelligence would be every bit as dangerous as an unfriendly one. 也别忘了就算是所谓"友善"的超级人工智能也可能会和非友善的一样危险。
Your machine seems pretty warm and fuzzy to me. 我觉得你的机器对我挺温柔挺热情。
Have you forgotten that it asked us to kill a congressman? 你忘了它曾让我们去谋杀议员吗?
But that was to stop Samaritan from going online. 但那是为了阻止撒马利亚人上线。
So where does it end, Ms. Shaw? A congressman here, a president there. 那界限在哪儿呢,肖女士?这里有议员,那里还有总统。