疑犯追踪第4季 第234期:过度深情的问候(在线收听

 Overly affectionate greeting. Greeting. 过度深情的问候。问候。

Transparent rationale for conversation. 以透明坦诚作为沟通的基本原则。
Annoyed attempt to deflect subtext. 恼怒并试图转移话题。
Overt come-on. 公然诱惑。
Mildly embarrassed defensiveness bordering on hostility. 略显尴尬,接近敌意防卫。
Playfully witty sign-off. 诙谐结束对话。
This takes me back. I used to work on old cars as a boy. 这让我想起以前。我小时候经常捣鼓旧车。
Yo, Nutella, could use a hand. Here. 甜妞,需要你的帮助。拿着。
Which cable controls the elevator's mechanical lock? 哪条电缆是控制电梯的机械锁?
The coiled one. But cutting it will alert Samaritan's operatives. So wait until Harold starts... 卷的那条。但剪掉它会引来Samaritan的特工。所以我们等到Harold开始...
Too late. They're coming. Hurry, Harold. 太晚了。他们来了。快点,Harold。
You've got power to the elevator. Cut the cable that controls the lock. 电梯通电了。切断控制锁的电缆。
Lionel, now. Lionel,就现在。
Shots to the head and center mass. On my mark. One...Two. Three! 射击头部和要害。听我命令。  一...二。三!
Yes, yes, you needn't rub it in. One afternoon and you're a grandmaster. 好了,好了,你不必反复说。一个下午你就成了大师。
Mind you, you'll encounter far more capable opponents than me if you go looking. 提醒你:如果你找的话,你会遇到比我更强大的对手。