打工姐妹花第二季 第196期:都结束了(在线收听

 Well, that's the end of it. 都结束了。

Yeah, I think it is. Max, I'm talking about more than the cupcakes. 是啊,结束了。麦克斯,我说的不只是小蛋糕。
Yeah, I could tell by your Bradley Cooper tone. 是啊,我能从你布莱德利·库珀式的音调里听出。
So what, it's not gonna work out between you two? 怎么了,你们俩彻底不可能了吗?
No. And I think we have to break up. 是啊。我觉得我们必须分手。
I thought you already broke up. 我以为你俩早就分了啊。
No, I'm talking about you and me. 不,我是在说我和你。
You're dumping me? Wow, last guy who dumped me, I burned down his house and moved. 你要甩了我啊?上一个甩我的男人,我把他的房子烧了,然后搬走。
Still wanna continue this conversation? 还想继续这个话题吗?
Max, it wouldn't work. I would always be asking you about Caroline. 麦克斯,这样不行。我会一直跟你打听卡洛琳。
Look, I get it, it's weird. 我明白,这样很奇怪。
People don't usually stay friends with their friend's ex. 人们一般不会跟自己朋友的前任成为朋友。
But then, cats don't usually become friends with dolphins. 可是猫咪一般也不会跟海豚成为朋友啊。
But sometimes, for no apparent reason, it happens. 可有时,缘分就是这么奇妙。
Yeah, I just wish I was as grown up as a cat or a dolphin. 是啊,我只希望我跟猫或海豚一样成熟。
I hear ya. So what's next, breakup text? 我懂你意思。那接下来是什么,分手短信吗?
Nah, that's just gonna lead to makeup text, and then we're back in a vicious cycle. 不要,发了之后就会有复合短信,然后我们就这么恶性循环下去。
All right, I'll just stop by your place, 好吧,那我只好去你家一趟,
pick up my cds, my t-shirts, and the 3 grand I left there. 拿回我的CD和T恤,还有留在你家的三千块。
Max, you've never been to my place. 麦克斯,你从来没去过我家。
See, this is why I'm breaking up with you... you're a liar. 瞧,这就是我要跟你分手的原因,你个骗子。
See you in small claims court, bub. 索赔法院见,伙计。