摩登家庭第六季 第110期:老爸真的想喝那杯牛奶(在线收听

 Well, I guess I'm not in control of everything, am I? 看来我真是无法掌控任何事啊,是吧?

funny, isn't it? You can try and try, but in the blink of an eye...you can lose everything that matters to you. 真有意思,不是吗?你可以用尽全力尝试,但是在眨眼之间你可能就会失去对你重要的一切。
Dad, are you okay? 爸,你还好吧?
Don't you all see what's going on here? Dad really wanted that milk. 你们还不明白现在的情况吗?老爸真的很想喝那杯牛奶。
I almost lost you guys today -- all of you. Just like that. 我今天差点就失去了你们所有人。就是那样。
Aw, daddy. 爹地。
Oh, honey. 亲爱的。
You spent the whole day trying to control everything, and I spent the entire day trying not to, and neither way worked, did it? 你一整天都在试图掌控一切,我这一整天却在试图不去掌控任何事,但两种方法都没奏效,不是吗?
Nope. 是没有。
I may fight you on this, but I'm gonna need you to make me get rid of Jolene two. 我或许会跟你唱反调,但我需要你强迫我把乔琳2号也退回去。
She's a biter. I know. As soon as we're done with this hug. 它很凶悍。我知道。不过要等我们先拥抱完才行。
Hey, whatever this is, I need to get in on it. I almost died today. 嘿,不管你们在干什么,我都必须参与一下。我今天差点死了。
Grandpa. Daddy. Aw, dad. Come here. Come here, you. 外公。爸。爸啊。快过来。都过来。