美国语文第六册 第146期:洗礼(8)(在线收听

 and a slight current of air, as if propelled by it, 一股气流仿佛是被驱赶过来的,

passed whispering along the sweetbriers, and the broom, and the tresses of the birch trees. 轻轻地漫过多花蔷薇、金盏花和桦树的枝叶。
It came deepening, and rolling, and roaring on; and the very Cartland Craigs shook to their foundation, as if in an earthquake. 这股气流越来越大,向前翻滚着,发出咆哮声,连峭壁岩石的底部都在摇晃,好像是地震。
"The Lord have mercy upon us! What is this?" “上帝已经饶恕我们了!这是怎么回事?”
And down fell many of the miserable wretches on their knees, and some on their faces, upon the sharp-pointed rocks. 许多可怜的家伙都跪卧在地上,尖利的石块砸在一些人的脸上。
Now, it was like the sound of many myriads of chariots rolling on their iron axles down the strong channel of the torrent. 现在,这个场面就像有无数战车的铁车轴碾过洪流似的。
The old, gray-haired minister issued from the mouth of Wallace's Cave, and said, in a loud voice, "The Lord God terrible reigneth!" 那位年事已高、一头灰白头发的牧师从华莱士的洞穴口闪身出来,嗓音洪亮地说:“万能的上帝发威了!”
A waterspout had burst up among the moorlands, and the river, in its power, was at hand. 在沼泽地和河流之间,水直往上喷涌,眼看着就成了一片汪洋。
There it came, tumbling along into that long reach of cliffs, and, in a moment, filled it with one mass of waves. 洪水翻滚着涌进悬崖的狭长地带。不一会儿,悬崖间就波浪腾涌了。
Huge, agitated clouds of foam rode on the surface of a blood-red torrent. 在洪水的表面涌起巨大的泡沫。
An army must have been swept off by that flood. 在洪水面前,一支军队不堪一击。
The soldiers perished in a moment; 顷刻间,士兵们就命丧黄泉了。
but high up in the cliffs, above the sweep of destruction, were the Covenanters, men, women, and children, 在悬崖的顶端,在被摧毁的连绵巨石上站着的盟约者、男人、妇女和孩子们,
uttering prayers to God, unheard by themselves, in the raging thunder. 齐声祷告上帝,在电闪雷鸣中,他们的祈祷声连他们自己也听不见。