《复仇》 第52期:死无葬身之地(在线收听

 What's my little girl with the infinity tattoo up to today? 我那烙着仇恨记忆的小姑娘今天打算做什么

Suddenly, she's thinking of filing a restraining order. 她突然很想去申请个限制令
Yeah, well, isn't that the pot calling the kettle black? 你还真是五十步笑百步
So what irons are we throwing in the fire this week? 这周咱们要把谁  推向死无葬身之地
We are not throwing anything anywhere. 没有谁要被推到哪里
I am going for a swim. 我打算去游泳
Thought you might say that. 猜到你会这么搪塞
You know, it wouldn't, uh, it wouldn't kill you 尝试下对我友好些
to try and be nice to me. 不会要你的命的
Not part of the plan. 对你友好  不在计划中
Certainly hasn't stopped you 很明显我没能阻止你
from cozying up to Daniel Grayson. 向丹尼尔·格雷森献媚
That's because he actually is part of the plan. 因为他是我计划的一部分
Seems to me the best plan for him 在我看来对付他的最好计划
has a minimum of 12 steps. 得有12个步骤
You know, if you really wanted to help me, 你看  你若真想帮我
why didn't you get your new B.F.F. Jack 为什么你不阻止你的好基友杰克
to cut him off? 不断地给他上酒
Not my fault. 不是我的错
Daniel's new sidekick was at the helm. 丹尼尔的新跟班在控制着他
The guy was feeding him shots like a frat boy to a freshman. 那家伙像兄弟会对新生一样灌他酒
Tyler.  Mm-hmm. 泰勒  是的
That frat boy is becoming a huge problem. 那家伙是个棘手的问题
He's more of an enabler than you are. 他比你会见风使舵
Daniel doesn't seem to mind. 丹尼尔似乎不介意
Did you honestly think I wouldn't notice 你真以为我不会注意到
the gaping hole where $10 million used to be? 一千万美金丢失留下的残缺大口
I've seen the bank receipt. 我看到银行收据了
I was trying to protect you. 我只是想保护你
The only thing you were trying to protect 你唯一想保护的是
is your weakness for her. 你在她身上的软肋
She has the power to expose us, Victoria. 她有本事揭穿我们  维多利亚
I didn't have a choice. 我没有选择
You could've called her bluff. 你可以和她摊牌
After 15 years of complicity, 15年的同流合污
I don't think Lydia has it in her. 我不相信莉迪亚有那胆子
Maybe not before you exiled her, 在你驱逐她之前也许是
but thanks to your handiwork, 但拜你所赐
she no longer has anything to lose. 她已经孤注一掷了
I'd say we got away with a bargain. 要我说  就讨价还价看能否侥幸逃脱
It's because of your handiwork we're in this situation in the first place. 我们沦落到此境地全是拜你所赐