向前一步:第218期 让我们开始讨论吧(24)(在线收听

 Thanks to social media (sereves me right), everyone had an opinion about my leaving the office at five thirty. 由于社交媒体的存在(还好对我来说起的是积极作用),每个人都对我在下午5点30分离开办公室发表了意见,

I got flowers with an anonymous thank-you note. 我还收到了一束夹着匿名感谢卡的鲜花。
Mike Callahan, Yahoo's general counsel at the time, 当时雅虎的总顾问迈克·卡拉
told me that several of the more senior women in his legal department said my admission struck a chord and they were going to follow my example. 告诉我,他的法律部门中职位较高的女性都因我的坦白大受触动,纷纷决定效仿我。
Author Ken Auletta said that I could not have gotten more headlines if I had murdered someone with an ax. 作家肯·奥莱塔评论说,就算谢丽尔去杀人放火也不可能上这么多头条。
While I was glad to jump-start the discussion, all the attention gave me this weird feeling that someone was going to object and fire me. 虽然我很高兴激发了这样的讨论,但过多的关注让我产生了一种怪异的感觉,好像有人会跳出来反对我、解雇我。
I had to reassure myself that this was absurd. 我不得不安抚自己,这么想是荒唐的。
Still, the clamor made me realize how incredibly hard it would be for someone in a less-senior position to ask for or admit to this schedule. 不过,舆论的热烈程度让我意识到,尚未处于高层的女性要实现或公开坦白这样的工作时间仍然相当困难。
We have a long way to go before flextime is accepted in most workplaces. 在大多数公司还没实行灵活的工作制之前,我们还有很长的路要走。
It will only happen if we keep raising the issue. 只有我们不停地提起这个问题,目标才能实现。
The discussions may be difficult, but the positives are many. 讨论或许很难,但会有更多积极的结果。
We cannot change what we are unaware of, and once we are aware, we cannot help but change. 虽然我们不能改变意识不到的盲点,可一旦意识到了,我们就会迫不及待地想要改变它们。
Even a well-established institution like Harvard Business School (HBS) can evolve rapidly when issues are addressed head-on. 即使像哈佛商学院这样成熟的机构,在直面这些问题后也能快速地解决并继续发展。
Historically at HBS, American male students have academically outperformed both female and international students. 有史以来哈佛商学院的美国男学生在学业上的表现都要优于美国女学生和外国留学生。