《复仇》 第180期:我来这里是为了复仇(在线收听

 Look, I came here for revenge, 听着  我来此是为了复仇

and you offered to help. 而你是为了帮我
If you can't stomach it anymore, 如果你无法再忍受
then how about you at least spare me 至少省省你那些
your passive-aggressive judgments? 消极的攻击性评论
Conrad's got a half dozen offshore entities 康拉德在丹麦和西班牙的六个海外实体
holding multicurrency bank accounts in Denmark and Spain. 持有多币种银行账户
You got a ballpark? 大概价值多少
$500 million give or take. 约五亿美金
When were they established? 什么时候建立的
Within the last ten years. 过去十年内
Making them community property 既然婚前协议失效
now that we voided the prenup. 那就让它们变成夫妻共有资产吧
There's something else he's withholding. 他还有所隐瞒
The S.E.C. is sniffing around, 证券交易委员会在四处查探
looking at the company's trading practices. 盯着公司的交易行动
So there's a bit of a ticking clock 所以  在潜在丑闻爆出之前
to get whatever liquid assets we can before a potential scandal blows up. 我们获取流动资产的时间有限
I told you, Daniel would come through. 我告诉过你  丹尼尔能做到的
This should make today's mediation session all the more interesting. 这会让今天的调解会面更加有趣
Victoria. 维多利亚  先告辞
Well, it looks like your father's deceit 看来你父亲的欺瞒
is good news for both of us. 对我们来说都是好事
Mm. How so? 何出此言
Because thanks to you, 因为多亏了你
I'm poised to get what's rightfully mine, 我才能从容地拿到我应得的
and you won't have go through your impetuous plan to marry Emily. 而且你也可以放弃娶艾米莉的冲动计划了