《复仇》 第216期:眼中只有彼此(在线收听

 Hey, babe. 宝贝

How were your secret errands? 你的秘密行动进展如何
All taken care of. 搞定了
Come on. I want you to meet my grandfather.  Okay. 过来  我想介绍我爷爷给你认识  好
Well, actually, me and my brother own a bar in Montauk. 我和我哥在蒙托克有间酒吧
Best barflies in the Hamptons, hands down. 汉普顿斯最文明的酒吧  从父亲那继承的
Hello, dad. 爸爸你好
There's my girl. 我亲爱的媳妇
Don't you look well? 你看起来容光焕发
You're lying your ass off, but I'll take it. 你是在恭维我  不过我乐意接受
I see that you've met Declan. 你已经见过德克兰了
He's going to be attending Collins prep 他秋季会同夏洛特一起
with charlotte this fall. 去柯林斯预科学校
Well, that's assuming I pass the entrance exams. 前提是我得顺利通过入学考试
And I been working like a dog, but they're, uh-- 我就像只狗一样拼命学习  但是它们
They're a bitch. 它们是畜生
Yes, sir. 对
Thank you. 谢谢
Listen, I never made it past the 11th grade. 我连高中都没毕业
But I started Grayson Global from the ground up at 22. 但我在22岁白手起家创立了格雷森环球
Don't ever let the place you start 别任凭自己的出生
dictate where you finish. 决定今后的路
Right, Victoria? 我说的对吗  维多利亚
Never. 决不
Emily. 艾米莉
Emily, this is my grandfather, Edward Grayson. 艾米莉  这是我祖父  爱德华·格雷森
It's such a pleasure to meet you, sir. 很高兴见到你
Daniel's told me so much about you. 丹尼尔告诉了我很多你的事
I wish I could say the same about you. 真希望他也能多告诉我点你的事
Well, in our defense, this courtship 在我们看来  这对恋人
practically materialized out of thin air. 眼中只有彼此
So how did you two love birds meet? 你们两人怎么相遇的