《复仇》 第222期:身为人父的罪恶(在线收听

 So much for the possibility of a friendly divorce. 我看和平离婚也没什么可能了

Well, she'll settle quietly. I'm making sure of that. 她会和我私下解决的  你放心吧
Do I have to remind you what happened to this company 还需要我提醒你  上一次
the last time David Clarke's name 大卫·克拉克的名字和公司牵扯在一起时
was associated with it? 发生了什么吗
Why are you talking to me like I'm the one 听你这口气  好像我是那个
who slept with him? 和他上床的人似的
She did this to our family, willingly. 她破坏了我们的家庭  自觉自愿
I am less concerned about her sins as a wife 比起她身为人妻的罪孽
than I am about your sins as a father. 我更关注你身为人父的罪恶
What kind of a man forces his children to participate 哪种人会将他的孩子
in a charade like this? 置身于这样的闹剧当中
You did when you taught me that perception is reality! 你教我感知即真实的时候就做过
In business, Conrad! 那只适用于商战  康拉德
This is family. 这是你的家庭
It's the same difference, isn't it? 这两者没什么区别  是吧
If that is all I passed on to you, 如果那就是你从我这里学到的全部知识
then you should understand why I am suggesting 那你就会明白为何我提议
that you step down as C.E.O. of Grayson Global, 你从格雷森国际的执行总裁之位下台
and we begin to groom your son to take your place. 而我们开始培养你儿子成为接班人
Clearly, Daniel is the only one left 显而易见  丹尼尔是这个家庭中
willing and able to stand up for what's left of this family. 唯一愿意并能够支撑残存家族的人
You can't be serious. He's just a kid. 你开玩笑吧  他还是个毛头小子
He's older than I was when I started this company! 我当年创立公司时比他还小
All due respect, 恕我直言
you might have brought the Grayson name to the company, 你的确给公司冠上了"格雷森"这个姓氏
but I brought the Global. 但我才是带领公司走向"国际"的人
All due respect, son, 恕我直言  儿子
I am still chairman of the board. 我依然是董事长