《复仇》 第244期:一家人需要团结起来(在线收听

 I had the cook set up some breakfast 我让厨师准备了早饭

in case you're hungry. 以防你们饿了
I've also been tracking the media coverage 我也一直在网上跟踪媒体
of Daniel online. 对丹尼尔的相关报道
Wait a second. Wait. How, uh... 等等  等一下  怎么
Who alerted the media? 谁通知的媒体
Well, there's a picture online of Daniel 网上有一张丹尼尔穿着
in his bloody tux. 染血燕尾服的照片
Someone from the party must have snapped it. 肯定是派对上的某人偷拍的
Oh, well, so much for decorum. 他们可真懂得礼貌啊
She's right. It's everywhere. 她说的没错  网上已经传遍了
"Bloody billionaire beach battle"? 百万富豪海滩血战
Do the police really think Daniel killed Tyler? 警方真以为是丹尼尔杀的泰勒吗
Of course not. 当然不是
Well, dad took the helicopter into the city. 我父亲已经乘直升飞机飞回城里
When it returns, I've made sure 飞机回来时  我保证载回来
the best defense attorney in Manhattan 曼哈顿最好的
is gonna be on board. 辩护律师
Ashley, could you please get me an aspirin? 阿什莉  你能帮我拿片阿司匹林吗
Of course. 当然可以
I think her time would be better 我认为她的精力更应该
spent trying to get that photograph taken down. 集中于如何把那张照片撤下来
Okay, I'll call Nolan Ross 好的  我会打给诺兰·罗斯
and see if we can have access to his tech team. 问问我们能否借用他的技术团队
And you should get to bed, young lady. 至于这位小姐  你得睡觉去了
Get some rest. 好好休息
The next few days are gonna be challenging. 接下来的几天肯定风起云涌  极富挑战
I'm only here to pick up clothes. 我只是来拿换洗衣物的
I'm going back to Declan's. 我要回德克兰那里
Sweetheart, we need you to stay here. 亲爱的  我们需要你留在这里
Your brother's in real trouble, 你哥哥有大麻烦了
and we need to stay together as a family. 我们作为家人得团结起来
Your mother's right. 你妈妈说得对
We need to present a united front. 我们得统一战线
Fine. 好吧