《复仇》 第247期:命中注定的灾难(在线收听

 Conrad, are you all right? 康拉德  你还好吗

What is it? 怎么了
Calling themselves the Americon Initiative... 声称自己是反美倡议联盟
I've made a terrible, terrible mistake. 我犯了一个很严重很严重的错
The president, awakened last night to news... 总统昨晚受这条消息的启迪
Uh, you know the plane that went down, Flight 197? 你知道那架坠毁的飞机  197次航班吗
I'm responsible. 我要为此负责的
What on earth are you talking about? 你到底在说什么
That group that claimed responsibility for the bombing, 那个声称要为爆炸案负责的组织
I was laundering money for them. 我在给他们洗黑钱
Conrad. 康拉德
The investigation's gonna tie back to the company. 案件调查会联系到公司
I'm gonna go to prison for the rest of my life, 我下半辈子都要蹲监狱了
if I'm lucky. 这还是运气好的情况
They're gonna freeze all of our assets, 他们会冻结我们所有的资产
and you're gonna have to raise Daniel alone 而你就要在别人耻笑的眼光下
under a cloud of disgrace. 独自一人抚养丹尼尔长大了
Life as we know it, Victoria, 我们之前过的日子  维多利亚
is over. 已经结束了
No matter how much we try to escape our past, 无论我们多想逃离过去
we seem destined to repeat it. 似乎命中注定历史会重演
Like it or not, we are in this together, 不管你喜不喜欢  我们要共同面对
again. 再一次的