《复仇》 第257期:丑闻(在线收听

 I got your message. What's so important? 我收到留言了  有什么重要的事

Jack found the wire transfer receipt in Amanda's jacket. 杰克在阿曼达的外套里发现了电汇凭证
Did you find out how much Amanda told him? 你知道阿曼达向他透露了多少吗
It doesn't sound like she had a lot of time 听起来在她离开之前
to chat before she took off. 没什么时间和杰克聊天
You ever notice how, 你有没有发现
whenever you want her to leave, 她总像嗜杀女郎版的地鼠一样
girlfriend keeps popping up 每次你想她离开时
like the homicidal stripper version of whac-a-mole, 她就会突然冒出来
but whenever you need to find her, 但每次你要找她时
she vanishes? 她就消失了
And manages to pull Jack even deeper into trouble. 还让杰克越陷越深
Ms. Thorne? 索恩小姐
I'll call you back. 我等下给你回电话
Mr. Brooks. 布鲁克斯先生
I apologize for the ambush, 很抱歉冒昧来访
but I wanted to speak to you alone. 但我希望能和你单独谈谈
To be perfectly blunt, 恕我直言
the more dirt I have on Daniel, 我掌握丹尼尔越多的丑闻
the better prepared I'll be when the fur starts flying. 我就能更从容地面对对方的攻辩
Ah. Looking for skeletons. 原来是来找家丑的啊
Skeletons, addictions, 家丑  毒瘾
secret relationships, 私情
proclivities. 癖性
Wow. You are blunt. 真是直言不讳啊
Your fiance's facing a murder charge. 你的未婚夫有可能被判谋杀罪
This isn't the time for subtlety. 现在可不是拐弯抹角的时候
Victoria is convinced Amanda Clarke had something to do 维多利亚坚信阿曼达·克拉克
with what happened on that beach. 与海滩上发生的那件事有关系