《复仇》 第14期:可怕的女人(在线收听

 The return of the vivacious and elusive Ms. Emily Thorne. 活色生香又捉摸不定的女人回来了  艾米莉·索恩

It's never too late to reconcile, you know? 趁早和她和好吧  孩纸
Never gonna happen, dad. 完全没可能  老爸
Why not? 为什么
She's a much more suitable match than the delightful 比起那个小巧玲珑刻薄无知的阿什莉·达文波特
frothy little confection Ashley Davenport. 艾米莉显然是更佳的配偶
Yeah, well, at least Ashley's smart enough not to cheat on me. 至少阿什莉够明智不会给我戴绿帽子
Is she now? 她现在呢
I take it you've given some consideration 我现在当你考虑过
to our earlier conversation? 我们之前聊的问题了
I did. 我考虑过了
My money stays in trust. 我的钱都托给别人打理了
If the company goes down, 如果公司垮了
hell if I'm going down with it. 我也跟着一起倒霉
You disappoint me. 你真令我失望
Creepy. 真吓人
You think she's somewhere looking up at us? 你觉得她是在看着我们吗