《复仇》第4集 第14期:疯狂绑架我的妻子(在线收听

 You know the original owners 知道吗  这片土地最早的所有者

fought 20 years for the right to develop this land? 奋斗了20年才拿到开发权
Only to see their dreams 但最后却只看到他们
of turning this swamp into a thriving metropolis 要把这不毛之地变为繁华都市的梦想
burst like a proverbial bubble. 化为泡影
They put in all the work. 他们花钱完成了所有建设
You buy on the cheap 你低价购得
and reap all the benefit. 把利润都装进口袋
It's a zero-sum world, Mr. Grayson. 这是个零和博弈的世界  格雷森先生
One man's loss, another man's gain. 你赔了  别人就赚了
We appreciate you coming on short notice. 感谢你这么快赶来
I didn't realize I had a choice. 我怎么觉得我别无选择
You always have a choice. 选择权永远在你手上
It's whether or not you're able to live with your choices 能不能妥善经营你的选择
is the question. 才是问题
So I take it you've been watching the news very closely 听说自从你手下发疯绑架我妻子之后
since your agent went rogue, taking my wife hostage. 你一直在密切关注事态进展
Yes. 没错
Yes, a curious betrayal 他在为公司忠诚地服务几十年后
after decades of loyal service to the organization. 离奇叛变了
He's been making subsequent threats, 他接连不断地制造威胁
and I fear for my family. 我很担心我的家人
I need assurances that you can control him. 我要你保证能管住他
As far as we're able to discern, he's off the grid, 在我们所能查找的范围内还没找到他
but rest assured, we will find him. 但你放心  我们会找到的