《复仇》第5集 第7期:杰克当爸爸(在线收听

 I gotta lay you down, buddy. 我要将你放平躺下了  小家伙

Papa Porter. 波特爸爸
Congrats, pal. 恭喜啊  老兄
Hey, how you holding up, huh? 你还好吗
Uh, I'm a little tired. 我有点累
I bet. 我想也是
How's mama Mandy? 小曼妈妈怎么样
She's gettin' better by the minute. 她的状况正逐渐好转
Uh, wow, Jack. 哇  杰克
That is one hell of a swaddle. 那襁褓包的可真差劲
Oh, well, get this. 好吧  我告诉你
His grandmother taught me. 是他祖母教我的
What, your mom's back? 怎么  你妈回来了吗
Not mine. 不是我妈
Hers. 是她妈
Y-you're... 你...
You're not serious. 你不是认真的吧
I know, right? 难以置信  对吧
As if things aren't messy enough. 真是嫌这里的事还不够乱
Oh, uh, they--they do hourly checks. 他们  每小时都会做例行检查
Eh, say no more. I, uh, have to go see someone anyway. 我就不跟你多说了  我还得去看别人
Hang in there, pal. 撑着点  老兄