向前一步:第229期 为平等而不懈努力(8)(在线收听

 One study found that female professors believed that male Ph.D. students were more committed to their careers than female Ph.D. students, 一项研究发现,女教授们都相信男博士生比女博士生更专注于自己的事业,

even though a survey of the students found no gender difference in their reported levels of commitment. 即使有调查表明在事业投入程度上男女生之间没什么差距。
Other research suggests that once a woman achieves success, particularly in a gender-biased context, her capacity to see gender discrimination is reduced. 另有研究显示,一旦某位女性获得了成功,尤其是在有性别偏见的环境里获得了成功,那么她对性别歧视的敏感度就会降低。
It's heartbreaking to think about one woman holding another back. 女人去阻碍女人,想到这里就让人很心痛。
As former secretary of state Madeleine Albright once said, "There's a special place in hell for women who don't help other women." 前国务卿马德琳·奥尔布赖特曾说过:“地狱为那些不帮助其他女人的女人准备了位置。”
And the consequences extend beyond individual pain. 显然这种阻碍的结果不光是让个人遭受到痛苦。
Women's negative views of female coworkers are often seen as an objective assessment — more credible than the views of men. 女性对同性工作伙伴的负面看法常常被看作客观的评价,听上去比男性的意见更可信。
When women voice gender bias, they legitimize it. 当女性表达出性别偏见的观点时,她们会将其合法化。
Obviously, a negative attitude cannot be gender based if it comes from another woman, right? Wrong. 显而易见,如果提出反对意见的是另一个女性,那么这就意味着她不是基于性别偏见,不是吗?错了。
Often without realizing it, women internalize disparaging cultural attitudes and then echo them back. 女性常常在无意中接纳了这种性别歧视,又继续向外传达出来。
As a result, women are not just victims of sexism, they can also be perpetrators. 结果,女性不仅是性别歧视的受害者,还是实施者。
There is hope that this attitude is changing. 当然,这种态度是有希望改变的。
A recent survey found that "high-potential women" working in business want to "pay it forward," 有调查发现,在商界中“潜力很大的女性”都想要“接力前进”,
and 73 percent have reached out to other women to help them develop their talents. 有73%的女性员工已经在帮助其他女性发挥自己的才能。