
 Today's my birthday.  今天是我生日

And you're spending it with me?  你选择和我一起过?
What about your friends? Kind of a loner.   你的朋友们呢?  我一向独来独往
And... you don't like your family?  No family to like.   也不喜欢你的家人?  没有可喜欢的家人
Oh,come on. Everyone has a family.  不会吧 每个人都有家人
Technically,yeah,but not everyone knows who they are.  没错 但不是每个人都知道 自己的家人是谁
Ready to run yet? - Oh,not a chance.   想要溜了吗?  怎么可能
You,Emma,are,by far,  到目前为止 你是我见过
the sexiest friendless orphan that I have ever met.  最性感的 不合群的孤儿
Okay. Your turn.  好吧 轮到你了
No,wait. Let me guess.  等等 让我来猜
you are handsome,charming...  Go on.   你很英俊 有魅力  继续
The kind of guy who--and now stop me if I get this wrong 应该是那种...  如果我猜错了的话请打断我
embezzled from your employer,  挪用公款
got arrested,and skipped town before they were able to throw your ass in jail.  遭到逮捕 又逃掉了的人
What?  什么?
And the worst part of all of this is your wife.  最惨的还是你的老婆
Your wife loves you so much that she bailed you out,  她那么爱你 还替你保释
and how do you repay that loyalty?You're on a date.  而你是怎么报答她的? 你已经开始跟别人约会了
Who are you?  你是谁?
The chick who put up the rest of the money.  帮你付保释金的人
You're a bail bondsman.  你是保释代理人
A bail bondsperson.  是代理人小姐
Really?  不是吧?
look,you don't have to do this,okay?  你没必要这样
I can pay you. I've got money. No,you don't,and if you did,  我有钱 我能给你钱   不 你没有钱了
you should give it to your wife to take care of your family.  即使有的话 也应该把钱给你老婆 让她照顾好这个家
What the hell do you know about family,huh?  你知道什么是家庭?
Nothing.  不知道
Another banner year.  又是一年
Can I help you?  Are you Emma swan?   需要帮忙吗?  你是Emma Swan吗?
Yeah. Who are you?  是的 你是谁?
My name's Henry. I'm your son.  我叫Henry 是你的儿子
Whoa. Hey,kid. Kid. Kid!  嘿 孩子 孩子 孩子!
I don't have a son.  我没有儿子