乔布斯传 第520期:华纳音乐(1)(在线收听

 Warner Music 华纳音乐

At the beginning of 2002 Apple faced a challenge. 2002年初,苹果公司遇到了一个挑战。
The seamless connection between your iPod, iTunes software, and computer made it easy to manage the music you already owned. iPod、iTunes软件和计算机之间的无缝连接以让你更方便地管理音乐。
But to get new music, you had to venture out of this cozy environment and go buy a CD or download the songs online. 但是如果要得到新的音乐,你必须要离开这样一个“舒适”的环境,去外面购买CD,或者在网上下载歌曲。
The latter endeavor usually meant foraying into the murky domains of file-sharing and piracy services. 如果选择第二种方式,就意味着要涉足文件分享和盗版服务的灰色地带。
So Jobs wanted to offer iPod users a way to download songs that was simple, safe, and legal. 所以,乔布斯希望给iPod用户提供一个简单、安全且合法的下载音乐的方式。
The music industry also faced a challenge. 音乐产业也面临着一个挑战。
It was being plagued by a bestiary of piracy services -- Napster, Grokster, Gnutella, Kazaa 它其实已经受到了一系列盗版的侵害--Napster, Grokster、Gnutella, Kazza
that enabled people to get songs for free. 人们可以从这些服务商那里下载免费歌曲。
Partly as a result, legal sales of CDs were down 9% in 2002. 正是在一定程度上受到了这样的冲击,2002年正版CD的销量下降了9%。
The executives at the music companies were desperately scrambling, 音乐公司的高层们都陷入了极度混乱,
with the elegance of second-graders playing soccer, to agree on a common standard for copy-protecting digital music. 不过却不能像启斯东警察般在疯狂中保持精确的思考,他们迫切地需要制定保护数字音乐版权的通用标准。
Paul Vidich of Warner Music and his corporate colleague Bill Raduchel of AOL Time Warner were working with Sony in that effort, 当时,华纳音乐的保罗·维迪奇和同属A0L时代华纳集团的比尔·拉杜切尔为此正在和索尼公司合作,协同制定规则,
and they hoped to get Apple to be part of their consortium. 他们希望把苹果公司也拉进来。
So a group of them flew to Cupertino in January 2002 to see Jobs. 于是,一行人在2002年1月飞到库比蒂诺去见乔布斯。