英语PK台 第982期:Beach Day 蓝天碧海沙滩躺(在线收听


Dialogue 1

Jingjing: Mark, you were right on the money when you said we should get going early this morning.


Mark: I never get tired of hearing you say I'm right, Jingjing. But seriously, yeah: we have a few hours to enjoy the surf and sand, before we have to start thinking about lunch.


Jingjing: Oh, don't mention food. You know I didn't bring much in my bag for the trip.


Mark: No sweat, Jingjing. Say, if you don't mind keeping an eye on our stuff here, I'll run up to the shop and get us some snacks.


Jingjing: You don't have to do that, Mark. I think I can hold off until noon.


Mark: Say, what time is it now anyway?


Jingjing: Um, I put my phone away so it wouldn't get sand on it. Why don't you look at your watch?


Mark: I would if I were wearing it. But I put that away.


Jingjing: Let me guess, so it wouldn't get sand on it.


Mark: Ding! And my phone. I'm going to try to go a whole day without looking at my phone.


Jingjing: Oh yeah? Knowing you, you'll last until we put in our lunch order and are waiting for our food. But it was nice to see you reading an actual book on the train.


Mark: Yeah, now I can finish it here and get a suntan at the same time.


Jingjing: That reminds me, I'd better put on some sun cream before I start to bake. You want some?


Mark: Nah, I'm down with a little sun. Let me know if I start to turn red.


Jingjing: Put some on your ears and nose. Those are trouble spots for everyone.


Mark: You're right. I could do without the red-neck jokes when I return to work. Toss it over to me when you're done with it.….

马克:你说得对。我回去上班的时就不会被人取笑是“红脖子” 。你涂完防晒霜以后就把它扔给我吧。

Jingjing: Here you go, Mark.


Mark: Ow! What'd you do that for?


Jingjing: You told me to give you the sunscreen.


Mark: Oh, yeah. I must have fallen asleep.


New words : 习语短语

right on the money: 完全正确,一点不差

exactly right, perfect guess

surf 海浪,冲浪

the ocean, near the shore

hold off: wait, avoid something for now 等待、推迟、抵挡住某事

Ding! 猜对了!很对!


skin turning brown in the sun

sun cream (aka sunscreen): 防晒霜

ointment to prevent sunburn

down with 喜欢/乐意/享受某事或做某事

like something, enjoy having/doing something

trouble spot 薄弱点 故障点 事故多发点

something difficult, a place where there is usually a problem

red-neck 乡下人 乡巴佬(蔑称)或脖子真得发红

an uneducated person from a rural area, which could also be someone who actually has a red neck

Dialogue 2

Jingjing: Mark, are you ready to go into town. If we leave now, we could beat the rush at the seafood market.

京晶:马克,你准备好去城里了吗? 如果我们现在就走,我们就能避开海鲜市场的高峰时段了。

Mark: Is it that time already? I must have been sleeping.


Jingjing: Yeah, you were snoring too. I could barely hear the ocean!


Mark: Now I know you're kidding! How about I take a quick dip and then we run to get food? I'll only be a few minutes.


Jingjing: Ok. Just get your head wet and come back. Otherwise, I'll have to take you up on that offer to make a snack run.


Mark: Ok, unless I get stung by a jellyfish, I'll be back in a quarter hour or less. Count on it, or I'll pay for all the seafood.


Jingjing: That's a good deal. In 15 minutes, I'll be hungry enough to eat two lobsters.


Mark: Then we'll have to buy four. I'm hungry too.…


Jingjing: Well, Mark, that was quick. You ready to go eat now?


Mark: I couldn't be readier. That swim made me hungry.


Jingjing: Great. Follow my lead and I'll show you the best seafood market.


Mark: Is that the place where you buy the stuff and then walk to a restaurant to have them cook it?


Jingjing: Ding ding ding! That's right.


Mark: I remember you telling me about that.


Jingjing: Great. Let's come back to this beautiful beach after lunch.


New words : 习语短语

dip 游一游,泡一泡,短暂的水浴或游泳

a quick swim

jellyfish n. 水母;[无脊椎] 海蜇

an invertebrate fish with translucent flesh

follow my lead 跟着我,按我说的做

follow me, do as I do, trust me
