2020年经济学人 音乐总监斯蒂芬·克劳伯里爵士(2)(在线收听

His training was more than adequate: chorister at Worcester Cathedral, organ scholar at St John's, Cambridge, later a fearless conductor, with the Philharmonic and the Britten Sinfonia, of new works for orchestra. But the choir's reputation awed him. The carol service in particular, always beginning with "Once in royal" from an unaccompanied treble, always sung by men and boys in keeping with the founding charter of 1441—was in a sense a piece of public property. He could not radically reform it, any more than he could alter the glorious fan vault of King's chapel to achieve what he had to work hardest for, greater clarity of texture.

斯蒂芬·克劳伯里所受的训练是绰绰有余的:伍斯特大教堂唱诗队指挥,剑桥圣约翰学院管风琴学者,后来作为一个无畏的指挥,和爱乐乐团和布里顿交响乐团一起为管弦乐队创作的新作品。但唱诗班的声誉使他肃然起敬。尤其是颂歌,总是从一首无伴奏的高音开始唱“王城往事”。在某种意义上说,男人和孩子们按照1441年的建国宪章所唱的歌是公共财产。斯蒂芬·克劳伯里不能从根本上改变它,就像他不能为了实现他努力追求的,更清晰的结构 而改变国王礼拜堂那辉煌的扇形拱顶。

He had various ideas, though, to nourish new growth in it. He applied them equally to the week-by-week chapel services and to other jobs he held, such as chief conductor of the bbc Singers. Those changes began with teaching. His own music lessons as a chorister had been hit and miss: theory at desks set up in the cathedral nave, huddling round an ancient stove, and harmony and counterpoint in the deputy organist's house over ten-shillings' worth of cake.


But four years spent teaching O- and A-level music at Northampton Grammar gave him insights into dealing with boys—how to keep them up to the mark, affirm that they were good, without giving them any idea that they had arrived—that proved invaluable. Though teaching was not in his contract at King's, he instructed the first-year students in harmony and counterpoint to lay down the basics. He saw to it, too, that each chorister had singing lessons. Meanwhile, to be equally strict or even stricter with himself, he went on learning to play the organ better.

