2020年经济学人 一周要闻 俄总理感染新冠 意大利逐步解封 全球死亡人数超25万(在线收听

A leaked letter from Zimbabwe to the imf warned that the country is heading towards economic collapse and that it needs assistance in clearing its existing debts to unlock new funding. The letter said Zimbabwe’s economy could shrink by 15-20% this year.


In a decision with potentially huge implications Germany’s constitutional court declared that the European Central Bank had acted improperly in buying government bonds under a quantitative-easing programme. Many legal experts fear that because the ECB is supposed to answer only to eu institutions, not to member governments, a constitutional crisis is being created.


Italy partly emerged from eight weeks of lockdown, having been the first country in Europe to impose one. People can now go out to exercise, cafés have reopened for takeaway service and travel to visit close relatives is now permitted.


Canada banned assault-style weapons with immediate effect following a gun massacre in April.


Venezuelan forces intercepted two boatloads of men allegedly trying to overthrow the country’s dictator, Nicolás Maduro. Eight of the men were killed. Mr Maduro accused America and Colombia of plotting the attack. As evidence, a captive was paraded, post-interrogation, on television. Meanwhile, a security contractor based in Florida claimed responsibility for the “daring amphibious raid”. The governments of America and Colombia denied any involvement.


Coronavirus briefs


The worldwide death tollfrom covid-19 rose above 250,000.


Infections surged in Russia, to over 10,000 a day. Mikhail Mishustin, the prime minister, tested positive for the disease.

俄罗斯的感染人数激增,每天超过1万人。总理米哈伊尔·米什乌斯丁(Mikhail Mishustin)的检测结果呈阳性。

The first infection was officially confirmed in Sana’a, Yemen’s capital, which is held by Houthi rebels.


Reports from Nigeria, Somalia and Tanzania of a sharp rise in unexplained deaths suggested that official tallies of covid-19 are misleadingly low.


New Zealand’s prime minister, Jacinda Ardern, said border restrictions would remain for “some time to come”. But she would like a quarantine-free travel “bubble” with Australia.

新西兰总理杰辛达·阿德恩(Jacinda Ardern)表示,“未来一段时间”,边境限制仍将继续实施。但她希望与澳大利亚形成一个免检疫的旅游“区域”。

In Germany shops were allowed to reopen, with social distancing. Football matches will resume in the Bundesliga, but without spectators.

