福克斯新闻 白宫谴责纽约时报报道不实(在线收听

The White House says the New York Times portrayal of a conversation between President Trump and then FBI director James Comey isn’t accurate, but the paper is citing a memo that Comey wrote soon after that meeting with the President, which said that President Trump told him he hopes he can let go the investigation of Michael Flynn.

白宫称,纽约时报关于特朗普总统和当时的FBI局长詹姆斯·科米(James Comey)之间对话的描述不实。但是报纸引用了科米与特朗普总统会面后的备忘录,称特朗普告诉他,希望科米放弃对迈克尔·弗林(Michael Flynn)的调查。

The Times says it hasn’t seen Comey’s memo directly, but an associate of Comey read parts of it to the paper. Reaction’s been intense, Republican Senator Jim Risch of Idaho on FOX News:

纽约时报表示,他们并没有直接看到科米的备忘录,但是科米的一位助手向报社宣读了备忘录的部分内容。此事引起强烈反应。爱达荷州共和党参议员Jim Risch告诉福克斯新闻:

(Risch) “I used to be a prosecutor. If somebody came to me and asked me to squash an investigation, I would have been screaming bloody murder about it.”


And Senate Minority leader Chuck Schumer saying he was “shaken” by Times report.

参议院少数派领袖查尔斯·舒默(Chuck Schumer)表示,他对纽约时报的报道感到震惊。

In Washington, Jill Nado, FOX News.

Jill Nado在华盛顿为您报道福克斯新闻。
