英语听力:自然百科 大堡礁 珊瑚礁至雨林(31)(在线收听

Obviously, this has a dramatic impact on the terrestrial environment, but it also has a significant effect on the reef itself.


And it's not only crops, cattle ranches, fish farms, six large coastal cities and many holiday resorts along the coast all have an impact on the reef system.


Without the natural vegetation controlling the movement of water in the seidments it carries, heavy rain now washes millions of tons of silt, often laced with damaging fertilizers of pesticides straight into the lagoon.


Sediment pollutants can be so extensive, they sometimes spread all the way to the outer reef.


In the sea grass meadows, the fine silt shrouds the light-dependant plants and fertilizers feed algal blooms that choke the life from them.


When the meadows die, the turtles, dugongs and baby fish that depend on them die too.


Near the shore, the water can be so murky that less light reaches the corals, so most fringing reefs have also disappeared.

